Chapter 42

I clutched the business card in my hand, the address to the Villain-Con entrance etched into my mind. As I stepped out of the portal, I found myself in an unfamiliar place - Orlando, Florida, yet it seemed rather barren and underdeveloped.

"This can't be right," I muttered, my brow furrowing in confusion. The city lacked the bustling energy I had expected, and the streets were eerily quiet.

Glancing down at the card once more, I double-checked the address, ensuring I had arrived at the correct location. With a shrug, I set off, determined to find the elusive entrance to Villain-Con.

The buildings around me were sparse, and the landscape felt almost desolate. I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a mistake, or if this was all part of some elaborate ruse. Nevertheless, I pressed on, my footsteps echoing in the eerie silence.

I scanned the derelict building before me, its weathered wooden exterior a stark contrast to the barren landscape surrounding it. A cracked speaker was mounted on the door, hinting at some sort of security system.

Steeling my nerves, I reached out and pressed the doorbell beside it, the chime echoing through the stillness. My heart pounded as I waited, unsure of what to expect from this mysterious place.

The door creaked open, and an old grandma peered out at me, her wrinkled face etched with suspicion. "What do you want, young man?" she asked, her voice cracking with age.

I held up the business card, the Villain-Con logo standing out against the worn paper. "I'm here for the convention. Is this the right place?"

I gripped the business card tightly, my fingers trembling slightly as the old woman took it from my hand. Her eyes narrowed, studying the logo intently before a crooked smile spread across her weathered face.

"After you," she croaked, gesturing towards a glass cabinet against the wall. I watched, transfixed, as she pressed a hidden button, and the cabinet slid open to reveal a concealed doorway.

Without a word, the old woman stepped aside, motioning for me to pass through. Swallowing hard, I steeled my nerves and crossed the threshold, my heart pounding in my ears.

"Enjoy your evening," the woman called out, her voice dripping with a sinister undertone.

Before I could react, the floor beneath me suddenly gave way, and I found myself plummeting down a dark, twisting tunnel. The air rushed past me as I hurtled through the darkness, my stomach lurching with each dizzying turn.

The ride finally stopped, and I stood in front of the parking lot of Villain-Con. Many cars of different shapes surrounded me - vintage cars, futuristic vehicles, ships, and even tanks. I blinked, trying to take it all in.

This was nothing like I had imagined. The sheer variety and extravagance of the transportation options before me was staggering. I ran my fingers along the sleek curves of a nearby hovercar, marveling at the advanced technology.

As I made my way through the lot, I couldn't help but notice the eclectic mix of individuals filing into the convention center. Some wore elaborate costumes, while others had a more subtle but intimidating presence. I felt a shiver of excitement and trepidation run down my spine. This was the realm of true villains, and I was about to step into their domain.

Straightening my shoulders, I gripped the Phantom Spider mask tightly in my hand and headed towards the ominous entrance, ready to make my grand debut.

I stepped through the ominous entrance, the Phantom Spider mask firmly in my grip. As I entered the grand halls of Villain-Con, I was immediately struck by the sheer diversity of the attendees. This was no ordinary gathering - it was a veritable who's who of the criminal underworld.

Mad scientists in lab coats tinkered with strange devices, their eyes gleaming with a twisted sort of genius. Hulking, muscle-bound thugs prowled the aisles, their expressions cold and calculating. Elegant, well-dressed mob bosses schmoozed with potential recruits, their polished demeanors belying the ruthlessness that lay beneath.

"Attention, all you villainous scum!" a booming voice echoed through the hall. I turned to see a towering figure in a lab coat and goggles, his voice dripping with a theatrical flair. "Behold the latest in mind-control technology!" He held up a sleek, futuristic-looking device, its surface glowing with an ominous light.

"With this beauty, I can bend the will of any puny human to my whims!" the scientist declared, a maniacal grin spreading across his face. "Who among you is brave enough to test it?"

A few eager-looking individuals stepped forward, their eyes shining with ambition. The scientist cackled gleefully, gesturing for them to approach.

Nearby, a group of burly-looking men in matching uniforms stood around a display showcasing an array of high-tech weaponry. "Attention, all you aspiring villains!" one of them bellowed, his voice rough and gruff. "Looking to add some serious firepower to your operations? Well, you've come to the right place!"

He picked up a sleek, black rifle, its barrel gleaming in the dim lighting. "This baby can take down a tank with a single shot. And it's just the tip of the iceberg!" He gestured to the other weapons, each one more intimidating than the last.

The men around him nodded approvingly, their expressions hardening as they sized up the potential recruits. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as I watched their display, the power and danger of their wares palpable in the air.

Farther down the aisle, a group of reptilian-looking creatures hissed and clicked, their scales glinting in the low light. A well-dressed man stood before them, his hands clasped behind his back as he addressed the crowd.

"Behold, the ultimate henchmen!" he declared, his voice smooth and cultured. "These Kraang drones are the perfect combination of strength, speed, and loyalty. They will follow your every command without question!" He gestured to the creatures, who snapped their jaws in a display of ferocity.

I watched, transfixed, as the various villains showcased their wares and recruited new members. The energy in the hall was electric, a palpable sense of danger and ambition permeating the air.

When I was walking around the venue, a crowd of eager onlookers swarmed towards me. Their eyes were alight with excitement, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the attention.

"Is it really you?" a young boy asked, his voice trembling with awe. "The Phantom Spider?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. This was all so new and unexpected. But then, a sly grin spread across my face as I realized the opportunity before me.

"The one and only," I replied, my voice low and gravelly, as I slipped the mask over my face. The familiar weight of the fabric against my skin gave me a sense of confidence, and I straightened my posture, towering over the crowd.

The people around me erupted into cheers and applause, their faces alight with excitement. I felt a surge of power coursing through me as I basked in their adoration. These were the very people I had sought to impress with my daring exploits, and now they were practically worshipping me.

"Can we get your autograph?" a burly man asked, his voice gruff but his eyes shining with childlike wonder.

I paused, considering the request. Part of me wanted to revel in the attention, to bask in the glory of my newfound infamy. But another part of me, the part that was still David Miller, felt a twinge of unease.

"Of course," I replied, my voice dripping with mock-menace. I produced a stack of glossy photos, each one featuring the Phantom Spider in various dramatic poses. I began signing them, my signature flowing with a flourish.

As I handed the autographs to the eager crowd, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between them. There were children, their eyes wide with excitement, standing alongside burly, imposing men whose expressions were equally enthralled. It was a bizarre juxtaposition, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement at the absurdity of it all.

"Thank you, Phantom Spider!" a young girl exclaimed, her voice high-pitched with delight. "You're my hero!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at that, my laughter echoing through the hall. "Your hero, huh?" I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, I suppose even villains need a few adoring fans."

The crowd erupted into laughter, and I felt a sense of power coursing through me. This was what I had been craving – the attention, the adoration, the thrill of being the center of attention. And now, here I was, the Phantom Spider, basking in the glory of my newfound infamy.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the adoring crowd, their enthusiasm both amusing and a bit unnerving. As I signed autograph after autograph, a thought suddenly occurred to me - perhaps I could find the Minions here at Villain-Con as well.

Scanning the bustling convention hall, I wondered if Kevin, Bob, and Stuart might be wandering the aisles, looking to cause their own brand of mischief. With a sly grin, I excused myself from the crowd, determined to see if I could track down those hapless, yet lovable, henchmen.


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To read advance chapters see my p@|tr|$0n Najicablitz