Chapter 9: Ksenia, the Electro Cicin Mage

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Sparks of lightning ignited the wood beneath the pot, and before long, steam started to rise from the water inside the pot.

"Please have a seat. I don't have much else here, but I do have some snacks and tea."

The enthusiastic Electro Cicin Mage wiped away the nonexistent dust from the cushion and gestured for Bai Luo to sit.

Perhaps due to not seeing people from her own side for a long time, Ksenia was overly enthusiastic.

To outsiders, the Fatui's Brigade was synonymous with the words 'Bad Guy', 'Evil', and 'Villains'.

In reality, when it came to treating their comrades, the Fatui Brigade members displayed unparalleled warmth and trust, much better compared to the other nation.

Upon learning that Bai Luo had lost his way in the forest, Even though he looked noticeably different from the people of Snezhnaya. The Electro Cicin Mage didn't hesitate to welcome him into her abode.

"I have Black tea, milk, some wine, and a Fire-Water. Which one do you want, or should I mix them all?"

After rummaging under her pillow for a while, the Electro Cicin Mage took out a jar and two bottles and asked Bai Luo.

"Did you forget the most important rule in the Fatui's Brigade's advance team training manual? You must never carry Fire-Water or any beverage related to Fire-Water during missions."

Fire-Water, in fact, was a kind of alcohol.

Just as Dandelion Wine was the soul of Mondstadt, Fire-Water was the lifeblood of Snezhnaya.

During the War of the Archons, the people of Snezhnaya created a special disinfectant, which some people tried drinking and found enjoyable. As a result, more and more people began treating this liquid, originally meant for medical purposes, as a spiritual solace.

"What does it matter? In the wilderness of Inazuma, the world is vast. Big sister here knows best!"

The Electro Cicin Mage didn't take Bai Luo's words to heart.

In her eyes, Bai Luo should be a newcomer recruited by the advance team on Inazuma, someone who was not familiar with some unwritten rules, which was understandable.

Taking out a set of well-preserved exquisite teaware, the Electro Cicin Mage scooped some hot water from the pot and carefully cleaned the teaware before brewing some black tea.

Considering that Bai Luo looked quite young, she added some milk to the tea.

Before handing it to him, she persistently asked, "Are you really not having Fire-Water?"

"If we return to Snezhnaya later, I'll treat you to top-notch Fire-Water, but for now... let's forget about it."

Accepting the milk tea handed to him by the Electro Cicin Mage, Bai Luo took a sip.

He had to admit that her brewing skills were pretty good.

After participating in so many tea parties with the girls from Snezhnaya, this was the first time he had tasted such flavorful milk tea.

"Hehe, I stole the tea from the Treasure Hoarders and the milk from the Hilichurls' pot. Not bad, right?"


Before the Electro Cicin Mage finished her words, Bai Luo directly sprayed all the liquid in his mouth.

The milk tea that had been so charming just moments ago was now something he could hardly bear to look at.

"Oh dear, young people these days really don't know how to cherish things."

The Electro Cicin Mage didn't feel surprised at all. In some missions, they didn't even have beverages of this level. In more dire situations, they relied on Water Slimes to get drinking water.

As magical creatures formed by the accumulation of water elements scattered in nature, Water Slimes could indeed be used as emergency drinking water. However, due to the high concentration of water elements, drinking Water Slime directly could be harmful to the human body.

Without timely treatment, it could even lead to severe after-effects.

These newly joined members of the advance team had no idea about the hardships faced by their predecessors.

"Come to think of it, Ksenia, How long have you been stationed here?"

Looking up at the worn-out canvas, Bai Luo changed the topic.

Because he didn't want to hear the story behind the pot of boiling water, according to his intuition, she must have been here for quite some time.

"Umm... I forgot. In this wilderness, every day is spent teasing the Hilichurls and robbing the Treasure Hoarders. There's no concept of time here. When I came here, the country was not yet locked down."

After taking a gulp of Fire-Water, even though she was from Snezhnaya, this hearty drinking method made her slightly tipsy.

Normally, she wouldn't drink Fire-Water in this manner at all.

This was Inazuma, not Snezhnaya.

Even if they managed to rob a merchant caravan or buy supplies in Inazuma City, they couldn't get authentic Snezhnaya Fire-Water.

But when friends from the same country came, it was different.

Fire-Water, when not drunk heartily together, didn't have the same atmosphere.

"Newcomer, let me tell you, we Fatui's Brigade members don't care about other people's opinions at all. We are here to follow the Tsaritsa and achieve great things. Even though I may be a little tight on funds right now, after we're done with this mission in Inazuma City, I'll at least be able to become an officer when I go back! If someone bullies you, just mention my name!"

The Electro Cicin Mage, clearly under the influence, exhaled alcohol and patted Bai Luo's back vigorously.

Fortunately, she didn't use too much strength.

Otherwise, with her way of patting, Bai Luo would definitely be injured.

"By the way."

Saying this, the Electro Cicin Mage suddenly remembered that they had been chatting for so long, and they still hadn't introduced themselves to each other.

"I'm Ksenia. What about you?"

"Bai Luo."

Hearing Ksenia's name, Bai Luo raised an eyebrow.

Having lived in Snezhnaya for so long, he had some understanding of their culture.

For example, the name Ksenia represented hospitality in Snezhnaya.

This girl truly lived up to her name, despite meeting him for the very first time, she's being so hospitable to him.

"Bai Luo?"

Upon hearing this name, Ksenia's drinking motion paused.

As a member of the Fatui's Brigade advance team on Inazuma, she also had some knowledge of the local culture.

But in her memory, there is no place in Inazuma who tends to give a name that goes like that. Instead, it sounded somewhat like a name from the other side of the sea, in Liyue.

"Are you from Liyue?"

If Ksenia recalled correctly, Snezhnaya recently has made some cooperation with Liyue in terms of strategy.

She didn't know the specifics, but she knew that Katarina, one of her good friends, had once come to her secretly and said that she wanted to take her younger brother to Liyue for something big.

Ah, Katarina, that lucky girl must be enjoying herself and living it up in the Moonlit Bamboo Forest now, right?

It's truly enviable.

"Yes, but I'm currently settled in Snezhnaya. I jumped into an ice river during winter and saved a child, and was appreciated by the rooster, so I joined the Fatui's Brigade as an exception."

Speaking of these things, Bai Luo couldn't help but sigh.

He never thought that he would end up in Teyvat after diving into the river to save someone.

"Heh? Your experience sounds similar to someone I know. It's said that person has become one of the Harbinger now. I wonder if someone like us will be able to be a Harbinger too."

Ksenia didn't even realize that the young man sitting next to her, whom she had fed the strange milk tea in a playful manner, was actually that young officer she spoke of.

It wasn't until many years later when she accidentally saw that familiar figure standing beside the Tsaritsa that she realized the kind of person she had met in Inazuma back then.