Chapter 17: The Wise and Beautiful Lady Guuji...

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The sudden sound made Sayu's tail stand on end.

She couldn't be mistaken; it was the voice of that woman.

Turning her head, the woman was indeed looking at her with a beaming smile.

Despite the friendly appearance of the smile, Sayu knew that this woman was not as easygoing as she seemed.

On the contrary, she was quite crafty, fitting all her preconceived notions of a cunning fox.

"N-nothing, I was talking about the mean lady at the city gate who wouldn't let me wash my face! A mean lady! She deserves to be scolded!"

Her little sleepy head, which had been a bit sluggish, worked overtime at this moment.

She had never lied so smoothly before. It just showed that a person's limits were truly pushed when they were cornered.

"Have you brought what I asked for?"

The woman took a bite of her Tricolor Dango, enjoying the soft and chewy texture that improved her mood considerably.

The glimmer on the dumpling was like morning dew on blossoms, and the moment you tasted it, it was like a branch full of vibrant flowers.

While enjoying the flowers, eating such a dessert made people feel like they were going to have a splendid year ahead.

Hmm... maybe she should bring a portion to the Shogunate too. Ei might come out to meet her.

"Y-yes, I brought it!"

Sayu reached out and patted her own large tail. In no time, she pulled out a scroll.

This scroll contained all the information gathered by her and her fellow Shuumatsuban ninjas on Ritou in the past few days. It included the code name of the suspected Fatui's Harbinger, the mask pattern, the attributes and styles of the Visions, and what he usually did.

Even the top-secret discussions of Bai Luo at the Hiiragi Clan were recorded on the scroll.

"You've worked hard, little Mujina ninja."

"Wait, you called me what?!"

As the woman's words fell, Sayu first looked shocked, then happy.

Finally, someone had realized that she was a Tanuki, not a Mujina... er, she meant a Mujina, not a Tanuki!

This woman was amazing! Truly a combination of intelligence and beauty, the esteemed Lady Guuji-


Realizing this, Sayu nervously retreated several meters.

So scary!

Just one sentence almost made her fall for it, even making her feel like it was perfectly fine for the other person to pat her head.

If Sayu didn't have a strong aversion to letting others touch her head, she wouldn't have noticed that something was amiss.

"Never mind. Since you delivered the information before they arrived, I'll let you go. Go back and tell your clan leader that there's no need for them to keep an eye on the Hiiragi anymore. Just keep an eye on the strange Fatui's Brigade member known as the Ausbilder."

'Before they arrived?'

Sayu paused, her gaze following the woman's eyes down to the position of the Fatui's Brigade's carriage just entering Inazuma City.

"I understand."

Thinking about Bai Luo, who had pursued her all night yesterday, she was startled once more. Although she was skilled in evading capture, he had pursued her relentlessly, making it clear that he was one person she absolutely should not provoke.

At least, he was in her top five.

After bypassing Bai Luo's inevitable path, Sayu displayed her expertise as a Shuumatsuban ninja, gradually disappearing into the cliffs on both sides of Inazuma City.

The woman, holding her Tricolor Dango, leaned on the railing at the edge of the cliff and squinted as she looked down at the Fatui's Brigade's carriage below.

"The Ausbilder…."


"What an interesting man."


Gradually ascending along the ancient slopes, one would reach the suburbs of the city.

Inazuma City's suburbs exuded a tranquil, traditional charm. It seemed that the bustle and glamour of the city had not infected this area. Though distant from the main fortress, the power and grace of the Shogun pervaded here as well, bringing a quiet and unique vitality.

Beyond the suburbs lay Inazuma City, the most lively district on Narukami Island. Most Inazuma residents lived here.

From Hanamizaka to the town streets, one could follow the terrain, exploring traditional old shops and savoring Inazuma's distinctive cuisine.

These included Tricolor Dangos and fox noodle soup, among others.

There were even unique dishes like Dango Milk, which were considered somewhat unconventional.

However, the more traditional Inazuma residents viewed Dango Milk as an insult to tradition, and only a few were willing to eat them.

Perhaps someday, a prominent figure would try Dango Milk, and it would become popular.

The Shogunate Headquarters was also located within the city, overseeing public security and Shogunate military affairs.

The most famous of all was the general Kujou Sara. While everyone knew she was a tengu, her serious and responsible attitude earned the respect of most residents.

In fact, there were rumors like, "General Kujou Sara is definitely not a tengu youkai! Someone is defaming her!" that circulated among the public.

But Sara didn't care about her identity as a tengu. In her eyes, even if she was a youkai, a tengu, as long as she could contribute to the Shogun, it was worthwhile.

Her unwavering belief was always in the Shogun and the Shogun's Eternity.

As the saying goes, the path of constancy is broad, and the Shogunate is eternal!

The electric glint on her polearm was her enduring faith.

At the intersection of the Shogunate and the city streets stood the Tenshukaku.

The Tenshukaku was unquestionably the center of power in Inazuma. Under the eternal and serene gaze of the great Raiden Shogun, the bustling crowds would eventually cast aside their worldly desires, heading toward a land where they no longer needed to chase after wishes.

Only, what kind of scenery did the Shogun see in that pure land?

What most fascinates people on this island are the cherry blossoms that flourish everywhere. During the cherry blossom season, petals shade the streets like clouds, and one must be cautious not to inadvertently be showered with them, as they fall like a gentle rain, sticking to one's clothes.

Before the lockdown of Inazuma, this place was a paradise for wandering poets and scholars. Even the residents of Inazuma City took pride in these cherry blossoms that rained like flowers.

But with the enactment of the Vision Hunt Decree, the island lost its former liveliness and warmth. The drunken figures of wandering poets are no longer seen beneath the trees, just decaying petals and endless sighs.

Upon entering Inazuma City, Bai Luo, even as a special envoy, had no special privileges here. No matter how you look at it, a Wind Slime is a monster. Bringing such a creature into the city is likely to result in a performance review by the Shogunate.

Under the curious gaze of the Inazuma residents, Bai Luo disembarked from the Slime Carriage, standing beneath the cherry blossom tree that Sayu had once touched.

As for the Wind Slime's, they would be properly taken care of by the Shogunate. When he left, he could come to retrieve them.

However, if the Wind Slime caused any trouble in the meantime, Bai Luo would be held responsible. But that didn't matter much; he had Fatui's Brigade backing him up.

Whatever happened, they would be there to cover for him.

After all, no matter how much he might have caused a commotion, he could never outdo Childe the battle maniac and Zhongli, who treated money like dirt and had no concept of bargaining. Compared to those two, Bai Luo's spending would always be insignificant.

The Shogunate's officers checked Bai Luo's travel documents and allowed him to pass. As he retrieved his documents, Bai Luo seemed to notice something.

He raised his head slightly and made eye contact with a pink-haired woman. Instead of avoiding his gaze, she waved the Tricolor Dango in her hand in a very friendly manner.

It seemed to say...

Welcome to Inazuma.
