Chapter 23: Chen Cha: I'm Really Doomed!

"Ning Zhuo, my young friend," Chen Cha cupped his fists, forcing a smile.

"Elder Chen, there's no need for such formality. Please, come in."

Ning Zhuo led Chen Cha inside, invited him to sit, and prepared tea for him.

Ning Zhuo got to the point: "Elder Chen, what brings you here today?"

Chen Cha's lips moved, but he couldn't muster the courage. He could only say, "I have some good news."

Chen Cha briefly explained: Chi Dun pursued the Black Shadow Demon Cultivator into the Fire Persimmon Forest. The complex formations in the Fire Persimmon Forest had been fully activated, temporarily sealing the cultivator inside. To minimize losses, the City Lord's side planned to manufacture a large number of Explosive Flame Monkeys to replace humans in harvesting the Fire Persimmons.

"This is a colossal fortune, Ning Zhuo, my young friend. You are truly lucky!" Chen Cha spoke this last part with genuine sentiment.

"But..." Chen Cha felt as though his tongue was weighed down by a boulder, even spitting out a single word felt difficult.

Observing his reluctance, Ning Zhuo took the initiative: "Elder Chen, is there something else you're having trouble saying? Please, just tell me. My mechanical monkeys gaining recognition is all thanks to your recommendation. Anything I can do to help you, I will do without hesitation!"

Chen Cha, seeing how understanding Ning Zhuo was, felt even more ashamed and guilty, consumed by his own sense of wrongdoing.

"Shame, the old me feels utterly ashamed." He sighed deeply, then lowered his head and explained the circumstances, hoping Ning Zhuo would transfer the invention rights of the Explosive Flame Monkeys to him in private.

A glint of cold light flashed in Ning Zhuo's eyes.

"Fei Si... this Golden Core Cultivator, always hungry for credit and attention. It's exactly the kind of thing he'd do."

Ning Zhuo knew Fei Si well. From the age of two, he had been scheming against the Magma Fairy Palace. The four major forces were his main targets to guard against, and Fei Si was naturally among them.

In Chen Cha's mind, someone like Ning Zhuo, so young, desired wealth and sought fame. Creating the Explosive Flame Monkey must have taken immense effort and hardship. The idea that this hard-earned fruit of his labor would now be taken by an outsider would surely make him unwilling and extremely furious.

Chen Cha had overestimated the difficulty of the situation.

Little did he know that there were far more complex and dangerous undercurrents, even connected to the past explosion at the Immortal Palace.

The reason Ning Zhuo met with Chen Cha was not just to discuss the design of the mechanical monkeys but also with the intention of exposing the Explosive Flame Monkey publicly.

He always thought several steps ahead.

The explosion at the Immortal Palace was just the first step. How to guard against the ensuing investigation was something Ning Zhuo had been contemplating for a long time.

"Previously, I had already influenced Chen Cha, using the Workshop of Flying Discs to manufacture and sell a significant number of mechanical monkeys."

"Now, with Fei Si intervening, asking me to hand over the mechanical monkeys, isn't that just providing me with cover?"

"Excellent, another layer of concealment."

Having thought this through, Ning Zhuo decided to agree.

Of course, he wouldn't straightforwardly agree. Upon hearing Chen Cha's words, his expression drastically changed.

Disbelief, anger, hatred, unwillingness, reverence... a slew of emotions crossed his face, exceedingly complex.

Chen Cha could very clearly sense that several times, Ning Zhuo was about to slam the table and angrily rebuke him!

Chen Cha had already prepared himself, ready to endure the scolding, believing he deserved it.

But in the end, Ning Zhuo did not act out.

His face alternated between red and pale as he glared at Chen Cha, his lips moved, but only vague syllables emerged, akin to curses.

Chen Cha felt immensely guilty, the weight of his remorse nearly suffocating him.

He took the initiative to pick up the teapot and added hot tea for Ning Zhuo: "Ning Zhuo, my young friend, it's my fault, all my fault. You can hit and scold me as you please!"

Ning Zhuo gritted his teeth, finally standing up in anger. As a young man, facing such treatment, how could he endure it? He glared fiercely at Chen Cha first, but ultimately did not lash out, instead pacing around the small room.

His face flushed, fists clenched, and strides exaggerated, as if trying to vent all his pent-up frustration and anger through his movements.

Witnessing this, Chen Cha felt completely at a loss, wanting to offer comfort but finding no suitable words. He felt so guilty that he wished he could sink into the ground.

After pacing back and forth several times, Ning Zhuo suddenly slammed a fist into the wall.

He lowered his head, presenting Chen Cha with a stubborn and solitary back. His thin shoulders and the fist that slowly started to bleed from the impact on the wall left Chen Cha speechless, feeling an immense weight on his heart.

Ning Zhuo stood like a statue, frozen in that position.

Time seemed to stand still, the room's atmosphere oppressively heavy. Chen Cha could only hear the sound of Ning Zhuo's angry breathing.

After an indeterminate period, Ning Zhuo finally pulled his fist back and slowly turned around. He looked as though the energy had drained out of him, his face filled with sorrow and helplessness.

His once-clear eyes now shone with despair.

His voice became hoarse, struggling to make a sound: "So, Elder Chen, this matter is irreversible, correct?"

Chen Cha's throat moved, wanting to console Ning Zhuo, but no words could come out.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slapped himself several times.

Smack, smack, smack.

He used all his strength, each slap contorting his face significantly.

After the slaps, he stood up, bowed deeply to Ning Zhuo, and remained bowed.

Ning Zhuo took several deep breaths, gritting his teeth, and let out a few muffled groans, sounding part sob, part scream.

This sound pained Chen Cha immeasurably!

Then, Ning Zhuo unclenched his tightly clenched fists, took heavy steps, and slowly raised his hand to support Chen Cha's forearm, helping him stand up.

Only then did Chen Cha straighten up. In such a short time, his face had noticeably swollen.

When he looked at Ning Zhuo, his pupils contracted suddenly.

He saw the young man's red-rimmed eyes and the clear tear tracks on his cheeks.

"I deserve to die!" Chen Cha cursed himself internally.

Ning Zhuo spoke: "Elder Chen, no need to blame yourself. Although our time together has been short, I believe you are definitely not such a petty person!"

"Since things have come to this..."

"Since things have come to this, I can only accept it, right?"

Ning Zhuo sighed deeply, took a step back, and nearly stumbled.

Chen Cha quickly stepped forward to support him.

Chen Cha assisted Ning Zhuo to his seat.

For a long time after, the two remained silent, sitting across from each other in stern quiet.

Ning Zhuo kept track of time internally and, feeling it was about right, broke the dead silence with his hoarse voice.

"I agree."

Chen Cha's heart throbbed painfully.

"I agree," Ning Zhuo repeated.

Chen Cha bit down in sorrow, his eyes also reddening as he lifted his gaze to meet Ning Zhuo's. He then took out a Jade Slip from his robe.

He placed the Jade Slip on the table and quickly produced a small cloth bag.

He placed the cloth bag next to the Jade Slip.

Finally, he took out a pouch of Spirit Stones and also set it on the table.

Having done all this, he cupped his fists and bowed deeply to Ning Zhuo one more time. Then, without a word, he turned and left, no longer able to face him.

Ning Zhuo remained alone for a while longer.

He had just been very engrossed, with lingering intense emotions that hadn't yet dissipated.