Chapter 128: Eld's Retribution (4K4)

Arthur and Eld walked down the street smoking and chatting about the past experiences of several guests at today's banquet.

Before long, Arthur had gleaned all the guests' histories from Eld's lips.

Among the three lower-ranking colonels, Sir George Elliot was of noble descent, his father being Gilbert Elliot, the Earl of Minto, who had served as the Governor of India.

Thanks to this robust familial background, Sir Elliot's naval career progressed smoothly. Having just joined the Royal Navy, he served on the battleship Saint George under the famed Royal Navy commanders, Thomas Bladen Capel and Hyde Parker.

After recently being promoted to lieutenant, he was assigned to the HMS San Jose, becoming the second officer under Charles Bull, who had just been promoted to Admiral of the Royal Navy in July of that year.

Later, Sir Elliot became a subordinate of the soul of the Royal Navy, Horatio Nelson, and participated in the Copenhagen raid and the Battle of the Nile Delta with him.