Louis stood by the window watching Becky Sharp with her skirt lifted and umbrella open, disappearing around the bustling street corner By the time he regained his senses, he turned around to see Arthur bent over a desk, drawing and writing something.
Louis leaned in to have a look and saw that the manuscript was neither the latest issue of the "Hastings Case Files" nor a paper on electrics that Faraday had been urging Arthur to submit, but a swordsmanship manual complete with diagrams and descriptive text.
Louis chuckled and joked from the wall, "Look at this, Arthur, an encyclopedic scholar, a modern-day Aristotle! Are you now not only content with leaving a mark in the literary and scientific world but also planning to conquer the field of swordsmanship? Aren't you a bit too knowledgeable?"
Louis's jest did not stop Arthur from continuing his writing. His explanation even came forth with ease.