107 Professional Troublemaker

"Quarterback, of course it's the quarterback. The quarterback is the cornerstone of building a football team."

"That's obviously true, but my issue is, are we ready to overhaul and rebuild again? It was just two years ago that we last did this, and now another one? Are we ready to start from scratch with a brand-new quarterback? Then what was the point of our moves in the free agency during the offseason?"

"Jesus Christ, you should understand that all the quarterbacks in the team right now are transitional. We need our own cornerstone quarterback."

"Who's to say they can't become our cornerstone quarterback? Drew Brees's transfer from San Diego Chargers to the New Orleans Saints was a godsend. I think we should continue to give Griffin a chance."

"Giving Griffin more chances, you say that as though we haven't given him any, yet if we're not choosing a quarterback, what do you think we should pick? A wide receiver?"