135 Gold Supporting Actor

The NFL Draft is more complex and thrilling than any other sport, due to the multitude of positions and the hard salary cap that leaves no room for adjustment.

Now, with a full four months until the draft, and the competition for NFL playoff spots sprinting to the finish, the focus should rightfully be on the Super Bowl, yet in reality, the strategies surrounding the draft are already in full swing, featuring not only overt maneuvers but also conspiracies and traps.

Rivera is a cunning fox, knowing how to leverage Shula's experience working with the Jacksonville Jaguars to gather intelligence for their draft.

Shula was no exception, "Coach, at the Jaguars, General Manager Caldwell places a greater emphasis on market appeal. Even if they are interested in Li Wei, it's not because of his skills. So, all we need to do is slightly steer the rumor mill and make Caldwell take notice of Watson's charismatic influence."

Rivera's eyebrows twitched slightly, "DeShaun Watson?"