506 victory party

One scene followed another.

The lights were dazzling, almost surreal, and the hazy lighting made people slightly dazed, unable to decipher whether they had accidentally stumbled into the Rabbit Hole or if characters from the movie screen had broken the fourth wall to enter reality.

The whole world spun around.

Even in the football world, they had only just topped the Super Bowl as the new elite, hardly yet superstars; stepping into such a party now, where characters from films and TV stood before them, their lack of experience and palpable nervousness couldn't be concealed.

Involuntarily, Kelsey turned to Curry, "Stephen?"

Perhaps Curry was the exception.

After all, having been a two-time NBA champion decorated with numerous honors, he was undoubtedly the man of the hour, surely more accustomed to such occasions than they were.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

All eyes converged upon them.