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Without a doubt, "Brady vs Li Wei" has become the hottest trending topic in the league right now, capable of igniting the internet at any given time.

Since Big Manning's retirement, there have been some shifts in the league's landscape.

On one hand, discussions of Brady's "retirement topic" would inevitably surface, with the question "Can a hero past his prime still eat at the banquet?" arising every so often.

On the other hand, whether successors to the legendary rivalry of "Brady vs Big Manning" could be found to continue fueling the excitement of even the non-football fans was up for debate.

It was precisely because of this that Li Wei's meteoric rise ignited such discussion.

Bursting out of nowhere, pulling the Sword in the Stone, and challenging the throne; while the reigning king waged a bloody battle to defend his prestigious position, the fierce confrontation could signal the end of an era.

Just the thought of it is enough to get one's blood boiling uncontrollably.