645 A Better Tomorrow

Choking on food.

Any sensible person would know better than to make such a foolish error.

Yet, reality is not always so forgiving; one fatal mistake can make one hesitate, fearing a repeat of the same disaster, often losing the courage to break through.

It's only when you break that you can build.

Only by facing one's weaknesses and bravely facing potential dangers, can one accumulate experience and evolve through repeated mistakes.

No one is perfect, and no one is free from errors, especially in competitive sports. Even the most elite, greatest, legendary players are still human; they can too make errors and mistakes.

Thus, fantasizing that you'll never make a mistake is foolish.

Errors, blunders, failures—they're all terrible but not fearsome. Don't be afraid of making mistakes again if you want to make true progress.

That takes courage and resolution.

Undoubtedly, Mahomes was trying—

And once more, he faced an interception.