763 Playing off the wall pass

Shaquille "Madman" Leonard stood on the sidelines, eager and ready to enter the game.

Images of becoming the miracle maker of Indianapolis flooded his mind: the flowers, the applause, the cheers, the tears, and the endless stream of girls throwing themselves at him. His chest puffed even prouder and straighter, wishing he could return to the field that very moment.

He was ready.

However, Leonard overlooked one thing—

If he wanted to perform, he first had to consider Reed's opinion.

Not Mahomes, not Li Wei, but Reed.

After the halftime break, the Kansas City Chiefs initiated their offensive in the second half.

Reed changed formation again.

Reed seemed to anticipate that the Indianapolis Colts might take a desperate approach to blitz and pressure in the second half, regardless of the defensive line's ability. They needed to exert pressure, at the very least, and could not allow Mahomes to pass the ball comfortably in his zone.