Roar, roar, roar.
Felix was the first to start the commotion as the empty church began to liven up.
Annie's smile also fully bloomed.
"But the reason is not just that."
"It's not just because he was as handsome as a 'Seventeen' magazine model..."
Amid the laughter, Felix protested, "GQ!" "GQ!"
"Nor because he should have lived longer, but only made it to nineteen..."
Felix kept shaking his head, "Annie, you're so disappointing. Seventeen, I was seventeen."
Annie's shoulders slumped, and she looked at Felix with a lifeless expression, "Please, can't you tell? I wanted you to live longer, you meddlesome jerk, interrupting my eulogy. You should be dead now."
Felix burst out laughing.
Annie continued.
"But, in the future, when I turn eighteen and Li Wei comes to my house to invite me to the graduation ball, and the whole world looks at me with envy, I will tell Li Wei, much to my regret, that I can't go with him to the graduation ball because..."
She took a deep breath.