The voice, breaking free of constraints, tore through the lungs and chest, vibrating ever so slightly as it resonated around him.
Felix struggled to stand up, but unfortunately, he failed. He revealed a ludicrous yet bitter smile, but did not wallow in the emotion of the struggle. Instead, he straightened his back, opened his shoulders, and raised his arms to cry out.
Once, and then again. Each cry more impassioned than the last, more fervent, and even though his body was seated in the wheelchair, nothing could bind his spirit.
Inadvertently, everyone else also clenched their fists, suddenly stood up, and leapt high into the air, shouting and cheering, reveling in a joyous and unrestrained celebration, making the feverish cries echo and surge within the church like a party.
Annie raised her hands high and ran back and forth in the small space in front of the podium like a young deer, her bell-like laughter scattering everywhere.