Inside the purple eggshell, a fuzzy pale-yellow bird head suddenly poked out, its beak clutching a small fragment of the broken shell. At first glance, the chick seemed no different from an ordinary baby chicken.
On seeing Lord Rein, the chick's lively eyes curiously observed him, seemingly sensing no ill intent, it chirped clearly and cheerfully twice.
Rein smiled and approached, carefully picked up the fuzzy chick, and placed it on his palm, stroking it several times.
After a moment's thought, Rein stepped outside and said to a guard nearby, "Please ask Miss Vinica to come here."
"At once, Baron!"
Shortly, Vinica, clad in a light blue robe, came trotting into Rein's resting room. Just as she was about to ask what was the matter, her beautiful eyes immediately focused on the newly hatched chick in Rein's hand.