124: The Battle of Hypocrisy (Vote for monthly ticket!)


A insignificant opponent made Roger's 42 points in three quarters seem less explosive.

Jerry Stackhouse coined himself a new nickname tonight: Duke Duck.

The nickname was given by the young Philadelphia fan Kobe Bryant who came to the game, "Because Jerry's got nothing tough about him except his beak, just like a duck," he told reporters.

Even Roger himself didn't care much about the victory, "If it had been against another team, those 42 points in three quarters would have been impressive. But... damn, only managing that little against a complete piece of trash like Jerry is just embarrassing. If it were Michael, he might have scored 50! It proves that I still need to strengthen my left hand!"

Roger's comments seemed to praise Jordan on the surface, but in reality, he belittled Stackhouse as being worthless.

"Would you like to talk about your next opponent, the Miami Heat?" the reporter changed the subject.