This was a game-changing match because it was the first time people realized that the Portland Jail Blazers could also play fair and square.
In the second half of the game, Portland fans could hardly believe that this was the Trail Blazers they were seeing.
Throughout the second half, they committed only a few fouls, and even those were the lighter kind.
Rasheed Wallace and Kenny Anderson, who usually cursed at the referees' whole family over technical fouls, were as quiet as two top students.
Roger kept scoring at will, moving in and out, with no one on the Trail Blazers able to stop him.
Even after Brian Grant accidentally knocked over Roger while defending, he would proactively help him up to show good sportsmanship.
For a moment, they seemed like the most polite team in the entire NBA.
If they played like this for an entire season, Grant Hill might lose to Rasheed Wallace in the battle for the sportsmanship award.