The Palace Master of Li Fire Palace said, "However, one cannot cultivate Taiyin and Taiyang simultaneously. No one in the world can balance and control both forces."
If one does cultivate them at the same time, it's like a mortal treading on a tightrope, walking above an abyss... A single misstep, and there's no redemption."
If not cultivated simultaneously, who then possesses such talent, such time, such patience to endure the arduous cultivation, to attempt it?"
Jing Shifei had already prepared her argument, and now with composure and a smile, she said, "Palace Master Zhu, there's no need to completely control it. Perhaps it's like a spell, as long as one grasps the Entry Level, one can use Yin and Yang together.
Though the Master of Mountains and Rivers can't peer into the Yin-Yang Illusion Realm, when transformed into a Mourning Spirit, one can advance further, even sneak into the Yin-Yang Illusion Realm.