205. Genius Kidd dances alone, the Bad Boys Legion advances strongly!_2

In the first quarter, the Bobcats were scoring from multiple positions.

Zhang Yang took 4 shots and made 2, including 1 of 2 three-pointers, and with Clifford Robinson's technical foul free throw for yelling at the ref, scored 6 points in 7 minutes.

Okafor had 8 points and 4 rebounds, Felton 4 points and 2 assists, Rondo 1 point, 1 rebound, and 2 assists, Alan Anderson 3 points, Jarett Jack 2 points, and Gerald Wallace 3 points, bringing the Bobcats to a total of 27 points for the quarter.

On the Nets' side, they also scored 27 points in the first quarter!

However, the Nets' scoring was clearly different from the Bobcats'—only 3 players scored.

Kidd had 7 points and 4 assists, Carter 10 points and 3 assists, and Richard Jefferson 10 points and 1 assist. The three combined for 27 points and 8 assists, matching the Bobcats head-to-head!

Kidd changed the strategy tonight; the three of them were just shooting!