Chapter 12 Return

The woman jumped off the minibus screaming for help, but the citizenry of Guangming City clearly did not share the same attitudes as those within Dayu territory.

Far from offering immediate assistance, they instead kept their distance from her.

When she ran towards a restaurant by the roadside that was open, it promptly shut its doors against her.

It was obvious they wanted to avoid trouble at all costs.

At that moment, two burly men, each over one hundred ninety centimeters tall, also jumped off the minibus and quickly pursued the woman.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl...

What kind of crisis must she have been in to risk her life jumping from a vehicle to escape, only to find herself in a completely foreign environment, a foreign country, chased by two strong men?

It was broad daylight, yet everyone along the way avoided her as if she were the plague.

For a moment, an unprecedented sense of despair engulfed her.


Yu Xiaoying.

Alkaid remembered her name.

The fashionable woman who had boarded the bus had been boasting about her the whole way.

Now it seemed that the money she spoke of wasn't so easily earned.

She was ultimately from Dayu Country.

Though he had not adapted to local customs so far, his education from Daxia...

... did not allow him to ignore this situation.

"Honk the horn, pick her up," Alkaid said.

Zhang Qing hesitated for a moment.

He recognized that minibus.

It was one of Qingyu Industrial Park's employee transport vehicles.

Qingyu Industrial Park...

It wasn't just Guangming City; it was influential even in Feiyu Country.

However, this hesitation was quickly extinguished.

Feiyu Country, a poor and backward small country with a GDP of just three hundred billion.

The entire nation was no match for a single Tian Nan province.

To say nothing of being influential in Feiyu Country, even Feiyu's top powers were negligible compared to the Su Family.

Besides, this was an excellent opportunity to get closer to the young master of the Su Family.

"Mr. Su, hold on tight," Zhang Qing warned, then floored the accelerator.

The car shot forward instantly, honking the horn as it did so.

Hearing the horn, Yu Xiaoying, who seemed to have fallen into despair, showed an unprecedented desire for survival and ran towards the vehicle as fast as she could.

As they came together, Alkaid opened the car door.

"Get in," he said.

Yu Xiaoying lunged into the car.

Without waiting for the car door to close, Zhang Qing sharply turned the steering wheel and sped towards the border crossing.

The two strong men were fast, but how could two legs compete with four wheels?

They were quickly left far behind.

Even after the two strong men were no longer in sight, Yu Xiaoying kept panting heavily, still not recovered from her fright.

After a long while...

She seemed to notice something.

In her haste to get into the car, she had ended up sprawled across Alkaid.

Suddenly, a blush spread quickly across her healthy wheat-colored cheeks.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." she hurriedly straightened up.

Then she seemed to recognize Alkaid's identity: "Ah? Is it you?"

Alkaid nodded slightly and then said, "We're planning to cross the border back to Dayu. Do you want to get off ahead, or will you come back to Dayu with us..."

"Go home... I want to go home," Yu Xiaoying quickly said.

Then she realized she had spoken in panic and corrected herself, "I... I'll go back to Dayu with you."

At that moment, her right hand was still tightly clutching the hem of Alkaid's clothes, the only "acquaintance" she knew, which proved how anxious and scared she was.

Alkaid didn't say much, just nodded.

And as Zhang Qing heard their conversation, he realized that they knew each other.

Having another look at the girl...

Although she was somewhat skinny, her raw and pure face was clearly of excellent foundation.

With proper care, she wouldn't take a year or half to grow from a young girl into a great beauty.

No wonder Mr. Su had decided to play the hero.

The vehicle passed through Guangming City and reached the border crossing, where Yu Xiaoying finally began to feel normal again.

Although the fear in her eyes had yet to dissipate, a logical, coherent conversation was no longer a problem.

"Thank you," she expressed her gratitude sincerely.

"You should thank Mr. Su. It was Mr. Su who told me to pick you up. You don't need to thank me," Zhang Qing promptly clarified the hierarchy of their status.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaoying thanked Alkaid once again.

"It's nothing, just be more careful in the future and don't trust others blindly," Alkaid stated.

He did not ask what had happened so as not to evoke any unpleasant memories for Yu Xiaoying.

Zhang Qing, who was driving in front, was very curious about what had happened to her, but he naturally didn't dare to speak recklessly in front of Alkaid.

The vehicle smoothly passed through the checkpoint and returned to Shanlong City.

Upon reaching Shanlong City, Yu Xiaoying's hanging heart visibly relaxed.

"I'll take you to the bus station," Alkaid said.

"Thank you," Yu Xiaoying thanked him again.

Then, as if she remembered something, she added somewhat embarrassedly, "I… all my money and documents were searched and taken, could I ask you to help me buy a bus ticket..."

Having said that, she quickly added, "Mr. Su, I will repay you."

"No need," Alkaid took out a hundred-yuan bill and continued, "Also, just call me Alkaid. No need for repayment. It's tough being out on the road; if I can help, then I help."

"To you, it might have been a small favor, but to me, you saved my life... That place was not any legitimate factory, it was..."

Yu Xiaoying said this, her delicate body trembling slightly, her eyes full of fear.

After a while, she managed to control her emotions and said to Alkaid, "Su Shao... Brother Alkaid, can you give me an address of yours? I will definitely repay you."

Alkaid saved her not because he wanted to take advantage of her gratitude.

But from the look of her...

It seemed that if he didn't give her an address, she would stubbornly persist.

So he casually answered, "Yunmeng High School."

Yu Xiaoying took careful note of it.

Zhang Qing, who was beside them, saw that Alkaid seemed to intend to take Yu Xiaoying straight home and couldn't help asking, "Su Shao, we've been delayed quite a bit on the way, and now it's already the afternoon, should we find a place to grab some food? Or maybe rest for a bit?"

Alkaid glanced at him and said, "No need."

Immediately, Zhang Qing dared not speak any further, and soon delivered Yu Xiaoying to the bus station.

"Brother Alkaid, I will repay you the money."

Getting off the car, Yu Xiaoying's youthful face was full of earnestness.

Alkaid waved his hand and closed the car window.

Zhang Qing quickly drove away.

"Su Shao, we..."

"Yulong International."

Alkaid said.

Lei Ao was dead.

But he had sensed two other red dots in Yulong International.

He couldn't waste them.


Zhang Qing's spirits lifted.

The vehicle quickly arrived at the biggest den of iniquity in Shanlong City.

But before Zhang Qing had time to drive into the parking lot, Alkaid suddenly said, "Wait, pull over."

Though Zhang Qing didn't understand why, he quickly pulled the car over to the side.

Not ten seconds after stopping, a luxury sedan flanked by two off-road vehicles drove out from Yulong International.

"Follow them."

Alkaid commanded.

Zhang Qing immediately stepped on the accelerator.

Alkaid watched the small sedan.

Just moments ago, he had used his "Perception" secret technique and keenly noticed a red dot moving towards the outside of Yulong International.

The corresponding location was that very luxury sedan.

The trio of vehicles headed straight for the border.

Before long...

Alkaid, who had just entered the country, was leaving it again.

This scene confused Zhang Qing.

However, he didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction, instead following each command with meticulous care.

The car followed closely behind.

It was better when there were more vehicles near the border, but once they had passed through, the traffic thinned out, and their persistent following started to look suspicious.

Continuing like this, it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

Alkaid observed for a moment...

"Where does this road lead to?" he asked.

"This road..."

Zhang Qing thought for a moment, then realization hit him, "It leads to Qingyu Industrial Park."

There were naturally more than one destination along the road, but only that area was fitting for three luxury vehicles.

"How far?"

"Twelve kilometers."

"Twelve kilometers?"

That's not close.

And critically...

There were no shared bikes.

Never mind.

"Find a place to park," Alkaid said.

Zhang Qing glanced around and stopped in front of a roadside convenience store.

"What's your phone number?" Alkaid asked.

Zhang Qing quickly recited his number.

Alkaid made a call, getting through successfully.

Then he said, "If there's an issue, you can call this number."

After saying that, he added, "Now, you go back first."

Zhang Qing looked at the number displayed on his phone, his eyes filled with delight.

He got Su Shao's number!

This was simply...

An enormous gain!

Even though he knew that with the little things he had done over the past two days, Su Shao would not possibly help him with any major trouble, but...

For the Zhang Family living in the small city of Shanlong, Su Shao's number was like a nuclear weapon.

With just this number, it could likely propel the Zhang Family even further in Shanlong City.

"Thank you, Su Shao," Zhang Qing said excitedly.

Then, as if he remembered something, he hesitated and said, "Shall I come with you?"

"No need," Alkaid waved his hand, stepping away.

Zhang Qing quickly said, "Then I'll leave the car for you."

But Alkaid didn't turn back.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing had no choice but to obediently drive away.

But he didn't head home.

Instead, he waited at the border crossing.

After all, the channel they used to leave the country wasn't exactly legitimate.