Chapter 25 Transformation

The corridor outside the office was crowded with people looking in this direction.

Secretary Ding, dressed in a lady's suit, was also among them.

But when they saw Alkaid emerge from the office, everyone simultaneously averted their eyes, not daring to look in that direction anymore.

Other people...

Including some mid-to-high-level employees of Yulong International, were exceptionally submissive at this time.

After all, the environment in Dayu Country was different from that in Feiyu Country.

Instead of swarming to silence Lin Xiaowei, Xia Wuyuan, Alkaid, and all the others, what they were truly busy with now was destroying the criminal evidence.

Or taking advantage of the time before the main force of the Security Bureau arrived to flee, escaping through checkpoints to seek refuge in neighboring countries.

"The commotion has been quite big."

Alkaid thought to himself.

With such a big disturbance, depending on how the higher-ups deal with this incident, one could glimpse at least a corner of the iceberg of the demonic force hidden in the dark.


Just wait for the incident to ferment.


Half an hour later.

The first batch of "reinforcements" from the Security Bureau finally arrived.

Even if Lin Xiaowei and Xia Wuyuan didn't trust the Shanlong City Security Bureau and didn't want them to interfere too much, relying on just a few of them, they were insufficient to take control of the vast Yulong International.

In addition, there were some places where they had to utilize the power of the Shanlong City Security Bureau.

Faced with the local Security Bureau swiftly filling Yulong International, they could only leave people to supervise the critical positions as much as possible.


As Lin Xiaowei was recording the scene, Zhang Qing, Ye Yuhe, and a group of Security Bureau personnel rushed over.

"How is it? Is it like Su Alkaid said, that there is a group of people being controlled below?"

Lin Xiaowei immediately inquired.

He didn't realize it until he asked, but Zhang Qing and Ye Yuhe's complexions noticeably changed to unnatural hues.

Especially Ye Yuhe.

When she saw that the corpses in the office had not been cleared and that there were bloodstains still visible to the naked eye in many places, her face suddenly turned pale.


She quickly moved aside and began to vomit.

But after retching for a moment, nothing came out.

Zhang Qing's complexion was also somewhat pale, but he seemed to be handling it better than Ye Yuhe.

"What happened?"

Lin Xiaowei urgently asked, "What happened downstairs?"

"Those people... no, they can no longer be called human! They are nothing but beasts!"

Zhang Qing clenched his teeth, "They... actually threw living people into meat grinders, using this method of disposal... Thankfully we arrived quickly, otherwise the remaining sixty-three people would have suffered the same fate as the nine who were thrown in, leaving no trace of their bones..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Xiaowei couldn't help but turn pale just imagining the scene.

She involuntarily thought of what Alkaid had said.

He killed...

Not humans!

"Yulong International was a human trafficking transit station, nearly every month, hundreds of people would be transported out through channels arranged by Yulong International..."

Zhang Qing said with indignation.

As for where they were sent and what fate they met with...

He didn't say.

But Lin Xiaowei, with her acute senses, immediately thought of the noticeably increasing number of missing person cases in Yunmeng City lately...

A trace of pain flickered in her eyes.

If they had taken those missing cases more seriously sooner, there wouldn't have been so many victims.

"My senior brother says that this case is no longer something you can investigate on your own; he will report it and have the Procuratorate intervene."

Ye Yuhe told Lin Xiaowei.

"I'm not just any police officer..."

Lin Xiaowei said in a heavy tone.

"It's different."

Ye Yuhe shook her head, "Your special investigation team might handle some major murder cases, but... the level this case involves is far higher than homicide or serial killings, especially since... according to that young Master Su's theory, people like You Long and Ou Zhengyang are not the masterminds. Above them, there's a far more enormous nexus of connections."

Her expression was grave, "If you rashly get involved, not to mention you, even the Lin Family behind you may not be able to bear such a risk."

"Because of 'Divine Blood'?"

Lin Xiaowei asked.

"Perhaps, my senior brother didn't tell me much about this object, but you should know from its effects alone what level of people would be involved if there were any entanglement,"

Ye Yuhe said.

Prolonging life.

Preserving youth forever.

Who could resist such temptation!?

Even if the World Health Organization has outright banned it, there are still those who will take the risk and covertly produce it.

The stakes are too high.


Lin Xiaowei thought back to the chaos earlier, to people like Jiang Feng and Ou Zhengyang who didn't take him, an inspector, seriously...

She knew that what Ye Yuhe was saying was the truth.

Ou Zhengyang had already dared to disregard her, an inspector.

Yet the higher-ups involved in this incident were willing to risk even death to keep it hidden.

One could imagine just how terrifying the secrets lurking beneath this case were.

"The Procuratorate... is the best entity to handle this case,"

Ye Yuhe said thoughtfully, "That young Master Su must also understand this, which is why, even though he could have been more careful, he still left loopholes. His goal is to attract the attention of someone with enough weight to follow the trail and investigate further."

Lin Xiaowei listened, somewhat helplessly.

But in the end, she nodded.

The Procuratorate is subordinate to the Royal Family.

When enforcing the law outside, there has always been a saying that one sees an official one level higher.

They can arrest anyone, including local officials, and conduct non-public interrogations.

They only need to be accountable to the Royal Family.

"That Master Su... he left?"

Ye Yuhe said.

"He left."

Lin Xiaowei nodded.

"My senior brother asked me to pass on a message to him, that each person should do what befits them. He will dig deep into this case and will not let the perpetrators get away with their crimes,"

Ye Yuhe spoke, pausing for effect: "Furthermore, he will continue to investigate the backgrounds of people like Long Daoqi and Xia Li. If he finds that they have no connection to the Yulong International case, he will prosecute them according to law, no matter their power or status."

"I will convey this message to Advisor Xia on his behalf,"

Lin Xiaowei said.


Soon, more and more Security Bureau personnel arrived at the scene.

Not just from the Security Bureau, but quite a few prosecutors from the Oversight Office also came.

As a high-level prosecutor with a background as a national Martial Path champion, Xia Wuyuan enjoyed the treatment of a chief prosecutor and naturally had a number of prosecutors under him.

The arrival of these people, along with the Yunmeng City Security Bureau personnel, turned Yulong International upside down.

Suddenly, the truth about this large-scale transfer station, akin to a Demon Cave, was laid bare before everyone.

Especially after the trip to the mincing machine room on the negative fourth floor, who knows how many seasoned officers vomited until they were dizzy.

The impact of this event was enormous, and coupled with the fact that several dozen people were killed by Xia Wuyuan during the resistance, Lin Xiaowei and the others were busy until the early morning before they could take a short break.

After sitting back in Yunmeng City's police car, Lin Xiaowei felt a profound tiredness and helplessness.

She did not understand why those people had the audacity to trample on the law without any boundaries, nor did she comprehend why such a significant event had only been exposed today.


If it were not for Su Alkaid's decisive actions, quickly cutting through the chaos, and if they had taken their time interrogating Ou Zhengyang without any outcome, the case would have been taken over by the Shanlong Security Bureau.

Given the collusion between the Shanlong Security Bureau and Yulong International, even if they reached the negative fourth floor, what they likely would have found by then were completely destroyed evidences.

In such a scenario, despite her disapproval of Su Alkaid's violent approach, she had to admit...

It was his efficiency that allowed them to save the lives of sixty-three people who were being "erased," preventing them from following in the footsteps of the previous nine victims.

With this in mind, Lin Xiaowei paused, uncertain whether she should send a message to apologize to Su Alkaid.

But in the end, thinking of Su Alkaid's personality and the violent methods not worthy of her admiration as an inspector, she suppressed the thought.

After scrolling through her phone, she found Su Yaoyu's name and called it, regardless of the late hour.

"Regarding your brother Su Alkaid... I think we need to have a proper talk."