Chapter 128 Princess Yanrong

"Cough... cough..."

When Jiang Shouzhong struggled to rise from the ground, his body ached terribly. It felt as though not hot blood, but countless tiny needles were flowing through his veins, shuttling between each cell, stimulating.

All around was pitch black, so dark he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face.

The ground beneath him was damp, his clothes completely soaked, and he could hear the sound of water flowing nearby.



Jiang Shouzhong called out several times, but no one responded.

He faintly remembered a giant Buddha descending from the sky, Qiuye shielding him with her body... and then in a daze, it seemed like the ground collapsed beneath them, and he fell into the water.

Jiang Shouzhong looked up.

It was still as dark as ink, without a hint of starlight.