Chapter 24 Assistance from the Dead

"You sure this thing can get me through alive?"

Standing in front of the roller coaster, Jiang Wuming clenched ten-plus-one sausages in his hands, his face expressing a clear "Are you kidding me?"

"These sausages... are made of human flesh."

Chen Guangxi's nose was more sensitive than a dog's. After sniffing twice, he realized something was wrong and reacted immediately, "These are for ghosts!"

Zhou Yuan looked towards the roller coaster parked at the start and explained to the others, "This roller coaster is actually a fierce ghost in disguise, that's why its killings are so unpredictable."

Chen Guangxi slightly raised his eyebrows and asked subconsciously, "How do you know it's a fierce ghost?"

"Don't ask; if you ask, it's because of the magical tool."

Chen Guangxi rolled his eyes, having completely given up hope that Zhou Yuan would ever tell the truth.

Jiang Wuming said with a pained expression, "You want to bribe this roller coaster ghost with food? But how am I supposed to feed it? Roller coasters don't have mouths. And what if it doesn't eat meat?"

"No, no, no, that was my previous thought."

Zhou Yuan shook his head, a mysterious smile on his face, "Now I have a new plan."

Because just then, a new hint from the Eyes of Identification popped up:

[Once the helper is unlocked, some things don't have to be so complicated.

The amusement park must follow many rules, one of which states: Children must be accompanied by adults when riding roller coasters.

It's time to let that group of rambunctious kids have some fun.]

"Well, say it!" Chen Guangxi, seeing him deliberately playing coy, wished she could strangle him and shake him back and forth.

"Hold on, I'm thinking of a way to call them."

Zhou Yuan was contemplating how to summon the group of ghost children from before.

After a moment's thought, he cleared his throat and tentatively addressed the air:

"We need help, can anyone come help us?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds… After more than ten seconds, nothing unusual happened.

"You're doing what…"

Chen Guangxi hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly shuddered, sensing something and quickly turning around.

In the distance, a ghost child was walking towards them, holding hands with two fierce ghosts.

The two fierce ghosts, one male and one female, had blood-red eyes filled with deep resentment, and tears of blood hung from their eye corners.

Their throats, abdomens, and limbs bore unhealable wounds, bleeding ceaselessly, staining half their clothes a vivid crimson.

Chen Guangxi slightly furrowed her brow; she recognized these two fierce ghosts, a married couple, who appeared to have been killed by the same person, judging from the wounds on their bodies.

The couple had seemingly endured inhuman torture and abuse before death, so their resentful spirits were extremely powerful after death, becoming half-body red-cloth level fierce ghosts, some of the strongest in the amusement park.

In the past, upon seeing her, they attacked without a word, trying to eat her flesh and drink her blood. But now, unexpectedly, they were docile with no intention to kill.

Was it the child who had calmed them?


One, two, three, four...

More and more "ghost families" approached from all directions!

"Is this the 'people' you summoned?" Chen Guangxi asked Zhou Yuan, gazing at him somberly.

Zhou Yuan inhaled sharply, this, this isn't right!

Wasn't Jiang supposed to be the caretaker, taking the ghost children on the roller coaster ride?

How did the ghost children manage to bring out their parents...

[Even as ghosts, a family remains a family, and these spectral parents, unable to withstand their mischievous children's insistent pestering, decided to take them on a roller coaster ride.

With the children present, these spectral parents' ferociousness will be temporarily subdued.

Having these spectral parents around, the roller coaster ghost will be suppressed.]

So that's it...

Understanding, Zhou Yuan turned to Jiang Wuming, "Hand out the sausages to the uncles, aunties, brothers, and sisters, then you can go up. These... uncles and aunties will suppress the roller coaster ghost."

"Setting aside the roller coaster ghost, are you sure they won't tear me apart right here?" Jiang Wuming said skeptically.

"If they were going to attack, they would have done so already."

Chen Guangxi said, "Those children have suppressed the ghost's ferocity, you better go now."

Jiang Wuming, through sheer nerve, went to distribute the sausages among the ghost families. The children didn't take any, but the spectral parents seemed far more interested in Jiang Wuming, staring intently at him as though he was a steaming hot roast chicken.

Only when the children tugged at their hands did they avert their gaze, took the sausages, and boarded the roller coaster.

Jiang Wuming let out a breath and quickly took the last row of the roller coaster, where there was still an empty seat.

Just as Chen Guangxi was about to start the roller coaster, a voice came from the distance: "Wait for me!"


Chen Guangxi looked over in surprise; it was a man in his forties.

Since this man wasn't a member of the Mobile Task Force, he must be a ghost from the park, but he didn't have any malice around him, and his eyes weren't blood-red, seemingly a "kind ghost" like the children.

The man ran up to the platform and sat next to Jiang Wuming, smiling at him.

At that point, the roller coaster seats were all filled.

Chen Guangxi immediately pressed the start button, and the carriage slowly began to move.


The roller coaster started climbing upwards, reaching the summit and then suddenly stopping with a thud.

After a brief silence, the roller coaster plunged downwards like an unrestrained wild horse, the speed and the intense sensation of weightlessness causing one's heart to race instantly.

The car spun and spiraled in the air, each turn exerting a strong centrifugal force, as if trying to throw one's body out of the seat.

The children's screams and cheers echoed all the way.

Jiang Wuming had a blank expression on his face. After being cursed, he gradually lost the ability to feel any fear.

"If I die, I'll just go to Hell and compete in a revival match. No big deal."

The roller coaster began to climb and descend again, then entered a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree loop.

As the roller coaster reached the peak of the loop, and all the tourists were facing downwards toward the ground, the seat of Jiang Wuming suddenly detached, flinging him and the seat violently into the air.

In the blink of an eye, the uncle sitting next to him reached out and grabbed Jiang Wuming's arm.

The sudden change shocked Jiang Wuming, and he instantly activated "Gravity Ring" to reverse his own gravity, making him and the seat fall back onto the roller coaster.

He continued to channel his ability, securing himself and the seat to the roller coaster as if they were welded to it, unable to be thrown off no matter how much the ride shook.

"Thanks," Jiang Wuming turned his head to thank the uncle, who just gave a slight smile without saying much.

Although the ghost of the roller coaster was suppressed, it still managed to tamper with things. To think it tried to kill me in such a way, this thing is really damn vicious... Jiang Wuming cursed inwardly, thankful that the uncle was a benevolent ghost.

With that thought, he looked over again and was startled.

The uncle, who had just looked normal, had now turned into a gruesomely disfigured corpse!

The condition of the corpse clearly showed that he had died from a fall from a great height.

"You died in that spot just now, so you specifically came to help me?" Jiang Wuming figured something out, his face filled with surprise.

The mangled, almost mushy head nodded slightly.


Before long, the roller coaster arrived at the station and slowly came to a stop.

Jiang Wuming was the first to bolt out, calling everyone to quickly escape.

Seeing him alive and well, Zhou Yuan and the others all breathed a sigh of relief and started running.

They sprinted all the way to the base of the Ferris wheel.

"This is the last attraction."

Jiang Wuming took out a piece of metal from his pocket and handed it to Chen Guangxi, then looked expectantly at Zhou Yuan.

They had been stuck on four attractions: the maze world, the carousel, the roller coaster, and the Ferris wheel for several days, trying various methods which all ended in failure.

However, Zhou Yuan's arrival had helped them breeze through three attractions, a feat that truly astounded everyone.

By now, Jiang Wuming had come to see Zhou Yuan as their main support, feeling that he truly could lead them out of this haunted place.

Zhou Yuan looked up at the Ferris wheel, his expression somewhat grave.

The Eyes of Identification notes on the Ferris wheel hadn't changed — to pass this attraction, one must go through a potentially fatal psychological test.

The psychological test can likely only be faced alone.

"How many times have you died inside the Ferris wheel?" Zhou Yuan asked Jiang Wuming.

"Three times."

"Do you remember anything?"

"I entered the Ferris wheel, sat down, and after the Ferris wheel rotated to the top, I blacked out, and then I was revived."

"So you really can't remember anything?" Zhou Yuan frowned.

Jiang Wuming shook his head: "I really can't remember."

Zhou Yuan then looked at Chen Guangxi: "Have you ever flown up to see it?"

Chen Guangxi nodded: "Of course, but once the Ferris wheel starts, the windows become blurred, and you can't see what's going on inside."

That's tough... Zhou Yuan stroked his chin: "Then, have any malicious ghosts ridden the Ferris wheel?"

"Not that I know of," said Chen Guangxi, "After Jiang died twice, we set up a camera nearby, and from start to finish, no ghost ever used the Ferris wheel, so we listed it as the most dangerous attraction."

She had barely finished speaking when Zhou Yuan abruptly froze.

Chen Guangxi followed his gaze and was also stunned.

They saw the door of a Ferris wheel cabin open, and a handsome high school student walked down from it.

His eyes were clear, and he had no malicious or resentful aura around him, clearly another "benevolent ghost."

"Ah, this..."

Chen Guangxi was dumbfounded; this was a slap in her face.

[This is a fortunate high school student with a happy family, successful studies, handsome looks, and very popular among girls. His world seems to be always sunny, carefree, which means he has almost no negative emotions.

With such hints, you should be able to see that the key to passing the psychological test is negative emotions, right?]

Alright, alright, the pillow arrives as I am dozing off! This couldn't be more timely!

Zhou Yuan's face lit up.

"Is your clever tool starting to work?" Chen Guangxi could tell from his expression that they had a chance this time.

"Jiang Wuming, do you think there is any difference between yourself and a benevolent ghost?"

Zhou Yuan paused, then added, "On a psychological level."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Wuming answered: "A benevolent ghost is purer and kinder than me.

If we represent 'goodness' with a numerical value, setting an ordinary person at 50, I might be slightly higher than an ordinary person, like 60 or 70, but a benevolent ghost can reach over 90.

Every benevolent ghost was a truly good person in life... We've received help from benevolent ghosts during missions before, and that person was a true saint, both in life and in death."

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Then hypothetically, do you think you would become a benevolent ghost or a malicious ghost if you died?"

"If I really died, I would definitely become an extremely terrifying malicious ghost. Satan himself would have to offer me a cigarette; my negative emotions are simply explosive, bro…"

Jiang Wuming's voice suddenly faltered, as if he had realized something, he murmured: "I die in the Ferris wheel, yet a benevolent ghost can pass, the difference between us…"

In an instant, he came to a realization: "Is negative emotion the key to getting through the Ferris wheel?"

Snap, Zhou Yuan snapped his fingers: "Exactly, the less negative emotion one has, the easier it is to pass. Otherwise, one will die in the Ferris wheel."

As he spoke, his gaze swept over everyone:

"Does anyone meet the criteria?"