Difficult questions needed to be addressed, and Xiu Niang had no choice but to respond. She suddenly felt annoyed with herself, cross that the evil spirit accused her of lacking integrity, and also irritated at herself; perhaps a truly righteous woman would have already ended her suffering by death.
"I actually didn't want to live anymore," she cried, "but the evil spirit wouldn't let me die, making my life worse than death with its torment. Young Master, I agreed to meet you not to seek your rescue."
At this point, Auntie Zhang could not bear to listen any longer and suddenly turned around, slapping Xiu Niang on her bent back, angrily shouting, "What nonsense are you spouting?"
Scolded, Xiu Niang's tears fell even more heavily, crying like rain. "I only wish for the young master to help me get rid of that evil spirit, so I can be at peace at last."