Chapter 27: Alcohol Culture Is Dregs Culture

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—

Several figures surged up from all around, quickly encircling the young Taoist on the rooftop with his Great Sword slung across his back.

The Taoist looked at the positions of the five martial artists and couldn't help feeling alarmed.

The distances between the five were irregular, yet they subtly conformed to The Dharma of the Five Elements. Within fifteen steps, should they attack, they would form the Five Elements Mutual Killing Formation, which could greatly restrain him; should they defend, they would form the Five Elements Mutual Generation Formation, which could neutralize his attacks and prevent his escape.

Control of the two formations lay entirely in the hands of the five, and the formations could be implemented by anyone whose cultivation had reached the True Core Realm with the Five Emperors' Proper Position, where the True Core above had gathered the Power of the Five Elements.

It seemed that among this group, there had to be a high-level Taoist master.

Seeing the young Taoist growing wary, the martial artists coming from the kitchen also brandished their weapons, appearing as if facing a formidable enemy.

But Zhang San approached with a smile, walking a few steps into the courtyard and paying respects to the other party.

"Heavenly Punishment Sect always treats visiting friends with open arms. May I ask for your honorable name, and what brings you here in the dead of night?"

The young Taoist was around twenty, with delicate white skin and a faint smattering of stubble.

Zhang San felt that he must be an inexperienced youth who had not had much experience traveling the world; otherwise, he wouldn't have jumped directly onto the roof of someone else's house in the middle of the night.

The other party responded to Zhang San with a cupped fist salute.

"I am Zhao Siyang, just passing through."

Hearing this from inside the kitchen, Wei snorted coldly and muttered to Xu in a low voice, "Two lies in one fart, this little Taoist is probably not easy to deal with."

Xu was startled and quickly probed with a few questions before moving to Zhang San's side and whispering.

"His name is fake, and it's likely not just a simple passing through."

Zhang San was not foolish; he naturally knew Zhao Siyang hadn't come by just passing through, but he was very curious as to why Xu was so sure the little Taoist's name was fake.

Xu explained quietly, "Any family with a bit of education wouldn't give their child a name with a number in it. Due to lack of education and not knowing many characters, they could only use numbers to name children. And if he were truly a Taoist, he would naturally be literate, and his Taoist master would certainly not name him 'Siyang'."

Zhang San nodded slightly, impressed by the cultural knowledge he hadn't considered before.

Then, he suddenly realized something.

So I'm from an uneducated family?

Alright then.

There goes the dream of being the offspring of some influential figure!

Since he knew the other party's name was a lie, Zhang San's sincerity became even more "heartfelt."

"Guests are to be welcomed. Since you're here, take a seat and have some food and a few drinks with us."

As he spoke, Zhang San made his way towards a pavilion in the courtyard.

The five martial artists on the rooftop, seeing Zhang San's gesture, opened a path for Zhao Siyang, allowing him to descend from the roof and enter the pavilion.

Soon, delicious food prepared in the kitchen and two pots of wine were brought out.

Zhang San poured a cup of hot wine for Zhao Siyang and also filled one for himself.

Seeing that Zhang San was treating him quite civilly, Zhao Siyang cupped his fists once more.

"Please forgive my rudeness, earlier today I saw you making a move on that widow and thought you were some kind of rogue, which led me to come over at night to investigate. It seems I have misunderstood you, and I hope you can overlook my mistake."

Zhang San smiled faintly and wasn't offended.

"Asking for my understanding is just words, aren't you going to apologize by drinking three cups?"

Zhao Siyang gave an awkward smile, having never met someone so inept at conversation, but considering the formidable strength of the martial artists around, and that he himself was also committed to upholding justice, there was no need to make an enemy since the other party wasn't a bad person. Thus, he drank three bowls in succession.

"This Yellow Glutinous Rice Wine is truly exceptional, the best I've ever had, too. I don't even know how to address you."

Wang Ziteng among the crowd behind them felt a headache coming on when he heard this.

Zhang San smiled faintly and softly pronounced three words: "Qin Wuyang."


Wang Ziteng's headache worsened. Where was the feeling of involvement he'd expected?

"Why don't you use my name as a pseudonym?"

Zhao Siyang was also taken aback, as he had to take on a different pseudonym each time he went out.

This was the fourth time, hence Zhao Siyang, and next time he should be something Wuyang, so how come the other guy's name was just this?

But in a flash, Zhao Siyang realized that the other party had figured out he was using a pseudonym, so they were using one too.

It didn't matter, after all, the other person wasn't a bad guy, but it was normal for them to be cautious around him.

So the two of them drank merrily, and Zhao Siyang felt the other person was nice, just too guarded, so he drank a few more cups to show his sincerity.

Zhang San also appeared sincere, but whether his heart was truly sincere fell within the realm of idealism.

Anyway, I, Zhang San, am a firm materialist. Idealism has nothing to do with me!

"Our Heavenly Punishment Sect shares the same principles as you, sir. I wonder if you would be interested in joining the Heavenly Punishment Sect?"

Zhao Siyang put down his wine bowl and waved his hand.

"Supporting the weak and opposing the strong doesn't necessarily have to be within the Heavenly Punishment Sect."

Zhang San nodded. This person, although it was impolite to come over in the middle of the night, was still quite nice.

Thinking this, Zhang San poured another cup for the other party, only to find Zhao Siyang's wine jar was already empty, and promptly waved for someone to bring another jar over.

"Brother Wuyang, don't you still have wine in your jar? You could just pour it for me, and that would be the end of it."

Zhao Siyang suddenly noticed that from the beginning of the drinking session, the "Qin Wuyang" opposite him had never drunk from his own jar. Could there be a problem with the wine?

At this moment, Zhao Siyang couldn't help but become cautious.

Zhang San, however, laughed and said, "I've been feeling unwell these past few days, so what's in my jar is hot water, while you've been drinking the actual wine."

Zhao Siyang couldn't help but recall the magnanimous scene when he and Qin Wuyang drank merrily together.

"The culture of drinking is all dross culture. So, it doesn't matter what we drink, the most important thing between friends is to be happy!"

As he spoke, Zhang San took the wine jar handed over by Wang Ziteng and filled up Zhao Siyang's cup again.

Zhao Siyang looked disgruntled. You're not drinking, yet you want me to drink?

Who exactly is this guy?

"Brother Zhao, what is it? You won't drink when I pour? Are you looking down on me? Not giving me, Qin Wuyang, face?"

"I've finished my own bowl, you decide what you want to do!"

In resignation, Zhao Siyang picked up his wine bowl, hesitating whether to drink the hot water from "Qin Wuyang's" bowl or throw it in his face!

Meanwhile, within a cave at the summit of Mingzhi Mountain near Jingyang County, the Tiger Demon instructed the ghost servants who had finished tidying up the cave to stand guard at the entrance, not allowing the wind to enter.

Then, nonchalantly, it retrieved a spirit tablet from deep within the cave, placed it on the table, and lit some incense.

"I heard you were finally buried today, although it's not a real body, just a tomb piled with clothes and a crown. But according to the Dharma of the Path of Life and Death, this counts as being laid to rest. We were friends, so go in peace."

As the Tiger Demon inserted the three sticks of incense on the incense table, the smoke slowly rose, eventually converging to form a semi-transparent figure of a hunter.

"Brother Tiger, I..."


[Note 11]Reference Explanation

The Five Elements Mutual Generation Formation and the Five Elements Mutual Killing Formation are cited from "The Supreme Mysterious Primordial Three Heavens Jade Hall Great Dharma."

"Five Elements Mutual Generation, brings prosperity to all matters. Wood and water achieve success, fire and earth get along. Metal moves with water, misfortunes turn auspicious. Ghosts can't harm, humans can't invade. The dead revive, the withered flourish."

"Five Elements Annihilation, earth and water sever ties, water and fire extinguish one another, metal and wood cut each other down. Ghosts and demons who see this, behead and dismember, even demon kings fear it, everything is destroyed. Daring offenders will forever sink into the abyss."