515 The switched computer

As the Elder Race's mothership passed through the Void, Bai Zhongqi did not experience any passage of time. Reentering the Void, Bai Zhongqi developed a deeper connection with this place. He seemed to realize that everything existed here and yet nothing existed, that it could lead to any point in time, and yet it seemed to lead nowhere at all.

In the Void, it was impossible to exist in the form of flesh and blood. However, inside the mothership of the Elder Race, which was essentially a mini Universe, time could be controlled by the Elder Race themselves. Lingering here posed no issue for Zero.

Traversing the Void within the mothership, Bai Zhongqi could set "time" to one second or float for countless billions of years because the concept of time in the Void or within the self-contained world of the mothership was completely different from the unchangeable and inertia-ridden time in the normal Universe.