"The Wilds of the Galaxy is no place for pretty girls like you to wander through; here, you need a backer, a man, haha, maybe one who can make you scream with pleasure."
A few burly desperadoes taunted the two seemingly delicate girls before them. They were scoundrels from Sumer Star, and on that planet, perhaps half the population were scoundrels, with the other half being not much better. The Wilds of the Galaxy's Sumer Star was a bona fide paradise for criminals and outlaws.
There was no trace of fear on the girls' faces; the tall one stepped forward and approached the group of burly men.
The guy with four nostrils and blue skin laughed, "Haha, that's more like it. Even though Primate Clan's chicks can't take much roughhousing, but still..."
His words were cut short as the tall beauty suddenly kicked him forcefully in the groin. The important parts of this blue-skinned alien weren't located there, but the force of the beauty's kick was enough to shatter his tailbone.