Shen Houping gave an order, and the house servants immediately charged out.
Shi Hao didn't care in the slightest. His fingers flicked, and with thump after thump, he knocked each house servant off the mountain top.
Given the height of this mountain, falling from here would mean certain death unless one had a physique like Shi Hao's.
After flicking away more than a dozen people in one breath, the last three house servants were terrified, knowing full well they were no match for Shi Hao and that going up against him was tantamount to seeking death, so they all backed away. Then, throwing their weapons aside, they sprinted down the mountain.
Their courage had shattered completely, and they feared Shen Houping's tyranny no more.
"What a bunch of garbage!" Shen Houping cursed.
"Can't help it. They're only at the Breaking the Extreme realm, only good for rough work," the young man in Qing Yi said from the side.