Chapter 461: Heart of Stone

"Is this guy the Primordial Stone Saint?" Inside the Immortal Abode, Shi Hao felt quite parched and turned to look at Su Manman.

"Yes." Su Manman nodded, "Isn't it? The Stone has turned sentient."

Shi Hao could accept that Tenacious Rock had become sentient, since Spiritual Fire could, so why couldn't stone, which also belonged to the five elements?

However, this size was surely too big.

Throughout the various areas of the Secret Realm, each Trialist who saw the Primordial Stone Saint had gasped in shock.

Just the sheer size alone, with one punch, could even the powerhouses of the Great Sacrificial Heaven withstand it?

Strength, when strong enough, could break all laws, especially since the blood energy of the stone figure was so boundlessly terrifying that it perhaps needed not even throw a punch, merely needed to stir its blood energy a bit to shake all living beings in the Secret Realm to death.