Wang Dahai asked, "What do you want?"
"Um, give me the evidence."
Wu Qiangwei said, "I'll talk to him."
Wang Dahai asked, "Then about Liu Ming's girlfriend suing..."
"No rush," Wu Qiangwei said. "Let's wait until after I've finished my talk."
Wang Dahai didn't ask her what she wanted to talk about.
Upon leaving the office, Wang Dahai had intended to go straight to the finance department.
But he worried that if someone saw him, they would tell Hu Quan.
Thus, he left the company and sent a message to Yang Sisi: "Supervisor Yang, are you busy?"
Yang Sisi shuddered slightly when she suddenly saw the text from Wang Dahai.
"What is it?"
"Are you busy?"
"Not busy."
"The cashier is also here."
"Come down, let me treat you to a milk tea."
Milk tea...
She didn't believe that was all he wanted; surely he was looking for her for something else.
Yang Sisi put away her phone, grabbed her bag, and got up to leave.