Chapter 9 It's Really Not a Stick

When changing into the massage attire, Liu Sisi had already taken off her bra, and now, after removing her shirt, a pair of soft jade was unabashedly presented before Li Qianfan's eyes.

Under the pink light, the rounded soft jade emanated a bewitching charm that drove men crazy.

At this sight, Li Qianfan felt a volcano erupt inside him instantly, his blood rushing up, his brain going blank as he stood there, stunned.

Meng Lin was also taken aback by this scene and grabbed Liu Sisi's arm, whispering, "Hey, if it's just a massage, why are you taking off your clothes?"

Liu Sisi just blinked at Meng Lin and then turned to Li Qianfan, "Xiao Fan, can I take off my clothes during the massage?"

Li Qianfan swallowed hard and said, "Sis, taking off your clothes for a massage has a much better effect!"


Liu Sisi laughed happily, then turned to Meng Lin, "If you're not getting a massage, just lie down quietly on the side and don't mess with my experience of Xiao Fan's technique, okay?"

Although Meng Lin was somewhat angry, she dared not make a noise in front of Li Qianfan, but when she saw Li Qianfan wearing sunglasses, she suddenly remembered that Li Qianfan was blind.

Even if Liu Sisi were to take off her clothes, Li Qianfan couldn't see anything.

With this thought, Meng Lin calmed down and lay on the massage table, her interest in her phone forgotten as she watched intently Li Qianfan massaging her best friend.

"Xiao Fan, when I first came in, I heard your boss say you know a special type of traditional Chinese medical massage that can enhance bust size and treat sagging. Is that true?"

Liu Sisi asked expectantly.

Usually, Liu Sisi might seem carefree and cheery, but she harbored a great distress inside her—she was young, yet already showing signs of sagging breasts.

The sagging wasn't severe, but it caused her considerable anxiety. She was only twenty-eight this year, and her breasts had already begun to sag. It would definitely worsen in a few years.

Because of this, she had spent quite a bit of money on treatments for the sagging, but to little effect.

Earlier, she had heard Hong Jiumei mention that the massage parlor had a masseur who was skilled in a type of traditional Chinese massage, effective for breast augmentation and treating sagging.

This was also why she had removed her top right from the start.

"Yes, I indeed know a type of traditional Chinese massage that can enhance the bust and treat sagging. However, I want to know, to what extent have your breasts sagged?"

While saying this, Li Qianfan's gaze continually assessed Liu Sisi's chest.

Her breasts were large, not much different from his sister-in-law, but they weren't as perky and showed very apparent signs of sagging, which wasn't a good sign for a twenty-eight-year-old woman.

With such large breasts, by the time she was forty, they would probably sag down to her stomach.

"I don't know how to explain, why don't you just feel them yourself?"

Liu Sisi, never one for wasted words, grabbed Li Qianfan's hand and placed it on her chest.

Feeling that softness, Li Qianfan was invigorated and immediately fixed his gaze on Meng Lin, feeling somewhat embarrassed while touching his sister-in-law's best friend's chest under her watchful eyes.

But the excitement was even more overwhelming!

Meanwhile, Meng Lin's eyes were also constantly on Li Qianfan, incredulous that this cousin from the countryside could perform traditional Chinese massage.

Driven by curiosity, she continued to watch how Li Qianfan was going to massage.

Being watched by his sister-in-law made Li Qianfan somewhat nervous, but he didn't show it and continued to check Liu Sisi's chest, pretending to be professional. After indulging himself for about two minutes, he said, "The sagging isn't too severe, and it can be restored through massage. Let me give you a massage now and see the effect, okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead!"

Liu Sisi quickly lay down on the massage table, closing her eyes in anticipation.

The next moment, under his sister-in-law's watch, Li Qianfan began massaging Liu Sisi, his hands reshaping the round, fair soft jade continuously.

It was as if Li Qianfan's hands possessed magical powers; before long, Liu Sisi felt an intense heat throughout her body, her cheeks flushed, her mouth emitting sexy, enticing moans.

Naturally open-minded, Liu Sisi did not hold back in front of Li Qianfan and Meng Lin. As the massage grew more pleasurable, her moans grew louder and louder.

Seeing Liu Sisi behaving so wantonly, Meng Lin's cheeks blushed, yet her eyes remained glued to Li Qianfan's hands, amazed at his expert technique.

Who would have thought this guy was hiding such skills, I've never even heard about them.

Such a sexy voice!

With such a provocative voice, like the flame that ignites a cannon, it made Li Qianfan's inner fire surge upward, his body suddenly tensing up.

In an instant, his pants outlined an extremely shocking contour.

Even though the room lighting was dim, it was still very eye-catching.

Liu Sisi, with her eyes closed enjoying, naturally did not notice Li Qianfan's transformation, but Meng Lin saw everything.


Meng Lin's eyes widened, swallowing her saliva uncontrollably as the scene of her holding onto Li Qianfan flashed through her mind, the intense and exaggerated texture feeling unforgettable.

I must keep an eye on Li Qianfan, otherwise, with assets like that, he will sooner or later be devoured by her best friends.

About fifteen minutes later, Li Qianfan's hand came off Liu Sisi's body, and he said, "Sis, the massage is over, check the results."

"Results so soon?"

With suspicion, Liu Sisi got up to examine her chest and upon seeing the changes, a look of surprise appeared on her face, saying, "My God, they really are much firmer, still a bit saggy, but much better than before, your massage technique is magical, right?"

Meng Lin looked and clearly saw the changes in Liu Sisi's chest, her gaze towards Li Qianfan filled with astonishment. This guy was impressive.

"Sis, it's good to see some changes," Li Qianfan smiled and said.

"I need to reward you."

Liu Sisi had spent so much money on treatments for sagging that had not worked, but now Li Qianfan had managed to improve it considerably with just a few rubs, naturally she couldn't let him go uncompensated.

The next moment, Liu Sisi took out a stack of bills from the handbag on the table next to her, about two thousand Yuan, and handed it over to Li Qianfan without hesitation.

"Isn't this too much, sis?"

Li Qianfan took the bills, felt their thickness, and immediately said.

"It's not too much, this is what you deserve. I promise you right here, if you can completely cure my sagging, I'll give you twenty thousand Yuan directly," Liu Sisi said, displaying a lavish demeanor.

"Hehe, thank you, sis," Li Qianfan didn't continue to be polite and promptly stuffed the two thousand Yuan into his trouser pocket.

This action caught Liu Sisi's attention, and upon seeing that exaggerated outline, she suddenly paused, fiercely saying, "Why are you hiding a stick in your pants? Could it be, if you have a disagreement with a client, you use a stick to attack them?"

"I… I'm not hiding a stick."

Li Qianfan was startled, immediately explaining, "This… this is my 'thing'!"

His 'thing'?

This statement instantly made Liu Sisi realize, and after staring intently a few more times, shock spread across her pretty face, how could it be so big, is this guy part donkey?

The next moment, Liu Sisi turned her head to look at Meng Lin, only to find Meng Lin with a look of disdain, mouthing: Look at you, acting like you've never seen the world.

Although ridiculed, Liu Sisi's body trembled with excitement, she turned back to scrutinize Li Qianfan again, looking at that terrifying outline, and felt her body becoming uncomfortably hot.

Liu Sisi's eyes mischievously spun around, saying, "No normal person could be that big, I'm sure you're hiding a stick in your pants, take it out now, or I will complain about you."

"Sis, it's my first day, please don't complain about me!"

Li Qianfan was panicking inside, he promptly said.

"I don't have to complain, but take off your pants then, let me see what exactly it is. I have to consider my own safety, if it's a stick, I won't let you off!" Liu Sisi said fiercely, with an irresistible authority and dominance.

"Sis, it's really not a stick!"

Li Qianfan helplessly explained, and under the watchful eyes of his sister-in-law and Liu Sisi, he humiliatingly took off his pants…