Chapter 12 Arrange Work!

Wanhua Mountain villa area.

The atmosphere at the Lin Family was extremely heavy.

All of this was because of a devastating piece of news that had just reached them.

Lin Luoluo had been in a car accident and had gone missing.

"Who exactly targeted Luoluo?"

Lin Chaodong's furious voice echoed through the Lin family's villa living room.

Lin Wanhao's face looked extremely ugly.

"Dad, it might be that dog Huang Zongsheng. This time, I was careless."

"Huang Zongsheng?" Lin Chaodong was taken aback.

"Why would it be him?"

Lin Wanhao quickly recounted how Huang Zongsheng had phoned to threaten him the day before.


After hearing it, Lin Chaodong was so angry that he slapped Lin Wanhao, causing blood to flow from the corner of his mouth.

"Why didn't you say something as serious as this earlier?"

Lin Wanhao's face looked awful.

"Dad, it's my fault. I intended to tell you last night but was afraid it would worry you..."

"After all the time you've spent in Yancheng, don't you know what kind of person Huang Zongsheng is?"

"I know, but I didn't expect… that beast Huang Zongsheng would act so swiftly!"

"He's already targeted Luoluo once; do you think he wouldn't do it again? Do you lack even that little sense of crisis?"

Lin Chaodong trembled with rage, wishing he could slap Lin Wanhao again.

But killing Lin Wanhao now wouldn't solve anything.

Lin Chaodong took a deep breath.

"This car accident must have been orchestrated by Huang Zongsheng."

"We can't just wait around; we need to quickly think of a way to rescue Luoluo…"

Before Lin Chaodong could finish, a voice came.

"Dad, Mom, Grandpa, I'm back."


Bai Yuzhen couldn't believe her eyes. With tears and surprise in her voice, she rushed forward.

Lin Wanhao and Lin Chaodong were also stunned.

It really was Lin Luoluo who had come back.

Everyone immediately got up and crowded around her.

"Luoluo, are you alright?" Bai Yuzhen tightly held Lin Luoluo's hand and asked.

Lin Luoluo shook her head.

"Mom, I'm fine."

"That's good, that's good." Bai Yuzhen embraced Lin Luoluo, crying uncontrollably.

A moment later, Lin Chaodong said solemnly.

"All right, it's good you're back safe."

"Luoluo, was it Huang Zongsheng who targeted you?"

Lin Luoluo nodded.

"Yes, but Huang Zongsheng didn't show up; it was Xue Sanqiang's men who did it."

"As expected."

Lin Wanhao clenched his fist, filled with hatred.

"Over these years, Xue Sanqiang has done so many dirty deeds for Huang Zongsheng."

"These two beasts collude with each other!"

Lin Chaodong squinted his eyes.

"Luoluo, how did you manage to escape?"

Lin Luoluo then recounted everything that had happened after the car accident.

After listening, Lin Chaodong and Lin Wanhao were stunned.

Xue Sanqiang's men got caught just standing there?

Lin Luoluo was taken away by the police?

"Is it that simple?"

"Yes." Lin Luoluo also found it unbelievable, but that was what she had seen.

At that moment, Lin Chaodong suddenly remembered something.

"Right, Luoluo, where is Zhou Yu?"

At the mention of that name, disgust showed in Lin Luoluo's eyes.

"Grandpa, you don't need to worry about him. When the accident happened, he was the first to flee for his life."


Lin Wanhao burst into anger.

"That little beast actually ran off and left you behind?"

"Damn it, I told you before, this kid is unreliable."

"If he doesn't come back, that's fine, but if he dares to come back, I'll break his legs and throw him out..."

Just then, Zhou Yu walked in.

"Grandpa, I'm back."


Lin Wanhao stood up abruptly, glaring furiously.

"You still dare to come back..."

"Wanhao, shut up."

Lin Chaodong sternly interrupted, forcing Lin Wanhao's words back.

"Zhou Yu, are you alright?"

Lin Chaodong asked with a smile.

Zhou Yu gave a faint smile.

"Grandpa, I'm fine."

"Good to hear you're fine, Zhou Yu. I hope today didn't scare you. I'm truly sorry. I didn't expect someone to suddenly make a move on Luoluo, almost involving you too. Thankfully, both of you are alright."

Far from blaming Zhou Yu, Lin Chaodong even carried a hint of apology.

That nearly made Lin Wanhao spit blood in anger.

Zhou Yu smiled faintly.

"Grandpa, we are a family. We should share our joys and sorrows; there's no such thing as involving or not involving."


Lin Wanhao slammed his hand on the table, the loud noise startling everyone.

Lin Chaodong looked at Lin Wanhao with dissatisfaction.

"What are you going crazy for?"

Lin Wanhao clenched his teeth and said:

"Dad, I'm fine. I just had a cramp in my hand."

After speaking, he glared coldly at Zhou Yu and sat back down.

Lin Luoluo looked at Zhou Yu with disgust.

"Sounds nice to say, but you run faster than anyone when it comes time."

Zhou Yu looked bewildered.

What's wrong with this father and daughter?

Did they eat gunpowder?

Lin Chaodong said with a wry smile:

"Zhou Yu, don't mind them. Big things happened at home today; their emotions are unstable."

Zhou Yu shook his head indicating he wouldn't mind.

"Grandpa, I'm really puzzled. Why would Zongsheng Group go against the Lin Family?"

Lin Chaodong showed an angry expression.

"It's mostly because of the Metro Line 10 project in the provincial city."

"Both the Lin Family and Zongsheng Group were eyeing this project, but Zongsheng Group wanted to monopolize it. To achieve that, they stopped at nothing, knocking out most of the competition. Now, they've targeted the Lin Family."

"So that's it!" Zhou Yu finally understood.

"What do you plan to do now?"

Lin Chaodong sighed, "Zongsheng Group is powerful, too much for us to handle alone. We need to find support."

Lin Wanhao couldn't even be bothered to be angry, his voice carrying a tone of despair.

"Dad, there are hardly a few in Yancheng who can stand up to Zongsheng Group. We don't have strong connections, who can we turn to?"

Lin Chaodong pondered for a moment.

"When I was young, I had some dealings with the old master of the Zhao Family. If I could meet him face to face, there might be a chance to ask for his help."

"But Mr. Zhao Jianfeng has been retired for nearly ten years now, and he has rarely made public appearances, especially in the last three years—almost no one has seen him. Dad, I don't think it's likely!"

The Zhao Family?

Zhou Yu was startled.

"Which Zhao Family?"

Lin Wanhao's expression was icy as he said sarcastically

"Would you know even if I told you?"

Zhou Yu looked speechless. He was about to ask if it was Zhao Heng's family, but Lin Wanhao shut him down with that remark.

"Wanhao, can't you speak nicely?" Lin Chaodong said in displeasure.

Lin Wanhao snorted and said no more.

Lin Chaodong rubbed his temples.

"Zhou Yu, don't mind it. You and Luoluo encountered quite a few accidents today. Go back early and rest."

"I'll make a few phone calls to see if someone can help us contact the Zhao Family."

After speaking, he got up and walked toward the study.

As Zhou Yu watched Lin Chaodong's weary figure, a flicker of unusual light crossed his eyes.