Chapter 4 Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Under Chen Dong's treatment, Sun Honglan and Chen Mingyuan came back to life, and their wounds also improved significantly. Believing there was no need to stay in the hospital, they asked Chen Dong to handle the discharge procedures.

The ponytailed female doctor named Liu Shu was a top graduate in clinical medicine from Harvard University, her family had been doctors for generations, and both of her parents were experts and professors in the medical field in China. Under her parents' arrangements, she came to gain experience at Qinghong County Hospital.

Having been immersed in the medical field since childhood and seen a lot, Liu Shu's entire understanding was overturned by the sight of Chen Dong bringing the dead back to life with just three needles. She stared blankly at Chen Dong, who was sitting across from her, waiting for her to handle his discharge paperwork.

She had completely forgotten that her clothes were torn by Chen Dong in the ICU, leaving a long slit that revealed a large expanse of skin white as suet jade, as well as her light-colored bra, giving Chen Dong quite an eyeful.

"Such great skin, soft and tender."

"And quite a size too. If Sister Meiling's is considered large and soft, then hers is firm. There really is a difference between women who have given birth and those who haven't," Chen Dong observed Liu Shu's inadvertent exposure and compared it in his mind.

Coming back to her senses, Liu Shu noticed something strange in Chen Dong's gaze and felt a chill on her right side. Looking down, she saw a tear as long as an arm on her right side and realized she was exposed. Quick to cover the split with her hand, she concealed the view.

"Your parents exhibited biological death and brain death, which in modern medicine would have been confirmed as deceased."

"It's hard to imagine how you managed to bring your parents back to life with just three needles. Could you tell me how you did it?"

Chen Dong said, "Sorry, it's a family medical skill, not convenient to reveal to others."

Liu Shu's eyes flashed with a tinge of disappointment, "Fine, I'll work on your discharge now."

As she spoke, Liu Shu lowered her head and began to organize the documents to process Chen Dong's discharge.

A few minutes later, Liu Shu handed the completed discharge paperwork to Chen Dong, "The discharge procedures are done. After you pay the thirty thousand in medical expenses, you can be discharged."

Chen Dong inwardly groaned, as he currently only had twenty thousand, still ten thousand short. He chuckled and said, "Doctor Liu, could you make some concessions? I only have twenty thousand on me right now, lacking ten thousand."

"Just give me a little time, and I will definitely make up the difference."

Liu Shu's lips curled up with a sly smile, "Oh, so you're short on money."

"Actually, making concessions is not impossible. I could even pay your medical expenses for you, but there's just one condition, tell me how you brought your parents back to life."

Chen Dong was placed in a difficult position; he had resurrected his parents using Ancient Medical Skill, which shouldn't be passed on to outsiders. "It's our family's Ancient Medical Skill, and I can't teach it to outsiders, but if you really want to know, well, you'd have to marry me."

Liu Shu's cheeks flushed immediately. She had always been the belle of her school, from high school through to Harvard University, the most stunning amongst them all. Whether in terms of figure or appearance, she was impeccable. Probably because she was too outstanding or too picky, she had always been single and never even dated.

As for marriage, she had never even considered it.

But Chen Dong's life-reviving medical skills lingered in Liu Shu's mind, and after hesitating, she said, "Becoming your wife is not impossible, but things have a process. Let's do this, I'll be your girlfriend first."

"And you, you'll tell me your family's medical skills first."

Chen Dong immediately shook his head, "No way, unless you become my wife."

Unhurried, Liu Shu continued, "Alright then, let's not bring up the matter of becoming your wife for now, just pay the medical expenses."

"Not a cent less, or you cannot be discharged."

Confident that Chen Dong couldn't pay the full thirty thousand in medical expenses, Liu Shu had him cornered to agree to her terms.

Chen Dong furrowed his brow; he had had a good impression of Liu Shu at first but realized this young lady was quite calculating, aware that he could only take out twenty thousand. He had no choice but to agree to her conditions.

Liu Shu was in no hurry, quietly waiting for Chen Dong to make a decision.

Chen Dong took a thorough look at Liu Shu and had an idea, "Your neck condition must be pretty serious, right?"

Liu Shu was somewhat surprised; her neck issue had been a chronic problem since her school days and persisted to the present, despite many attempts to cure it, it would flare up if she wasn't careful. "How did you know?"

Chen Dong chuckled, "How I know isn't something you need to worry about."

"Let's make a deal: I'll cure your neck condition, and you cover the remaining ten thousand in medical expenses."

Liu Shu thought about it. Ten thousand wasn't much for her, and this would be a good opportunity to witness Chen Dong's miraculous medical skills once more. "Alright, I agree."

"Let's start, I'm very curious to see just how magical your medical skills are."

Chen Dong said nothing, got up, closed the office door, and locked it: "Take off your coat."

Liu Shu suddenly became nervous. After taking off her lab coat, she was left in just her lingerie, "What? Take off my clothes too? Your medical skills seem rather dubious."