Chapter 2 Life Crisis

Wu Meiling was immensely shy, her head lowered, not looking at Chen Dong. First, she unbuttoned her shirt one by one, revealing a deep purple bra.

Then she placed the shirt aside, stretched her hands behind her back, and bent her arms to unhook her bra.


The clasp of the deep purple bra opened, she gently picked it up and placed it beside the bed, then slowly lay down, shyly closing her eyes, her voice trembling as she spoke, "Chen Dong, I'm ready."


Chen Dong intently watched Wu Meiling lying on the bed, eyes closed with shyness.


Quite large.

People in the village typically married early—it was normal to marry at twenty. If he remembered correctly, Wu Meiling was just over twenty, her body still had traces of youthful delicacy, yet also possessed the mature fullness of a young wife.

The combination of these qualities was enough to confuse any man and make him drool.

Chen Dong shook his head to dispel any inappropriate thoughts, rubbing his hands together until they warmed slightly, and then placed his palms on Wu Meiling's smooth, soft stomach as white as jade.

Wu Meiling's body trembled sharply, her eyes closed, biting her lip, silent.

Massaging and acupressure is all about skin, muscles, tendons, bones, and membranes.

Ordinary people are massaged superficially, focusing on skin and muscle; more skilled hands can reach the tendons, but only those truly adept in massage can affect the bones and membranes.

Chen Dong's palms caressed and gently pressed Wu Meiling's abdomen, moving upwards, eventually reaching the ribs on both sides.

Wu Meiling's body immediately stiffened, feeling a continuous flow of warm air from Chen Dong's palms entering her body, especially around her chest and ribs.

Very comfortable, very enjoyable.

Wu Meiling even felt a bit addicted.


Chen Dong exhaled in relief, completing the massage, "Sister-in-law, the massage is done, you can get up now."

Wu Meiling, still shy with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and saw the white juice that had come out, her joy visible on her face as her shyness disappeared, "Thank heavens."

"My daughter won't have to go hungry now."

Chen Dong picked up a towel and wiped the juice from his hands, "This massage was very effective. Let's do another session tomorrow to further consolidate, and then she should be fully recovered."

As Wu Meiling dressed, she was both afraid and looking forward, "Ah... how many more times...?"

Chen Dong seriously replied, "Hmm, a few more sessions to consolidate."

"Moreover, sister-in-law, your milk stopped primarily because of poor nutritional health and secondly due to emotional stress and high pressure."

Wu Meiling buttoned up her shirt, "I understand, thank you."

Chen Dong sighed, "Sister-in-law, we're all family here, no need for thanks."

In fact, it was no wonder Wu Meiling felt this way, considering she was raising a months-old daughter alone, while bearing over a million in high-interest loans, which would stress anyone.

Wu Meiling tidied up her clothes, "Regardless, I still have to thank you."

"It's just, sister-in-law really has no money, otherwise she wouldn't even be unable to pay the consultation fee. Honestly, I feel very guilty inside, I'd almost offer myself in exchange for the consultation fee."

Chen Dong muttered softly, "Actually, taking sister-in-law as payment is not entirely out of the question."

Wu Meiling said, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

Chen Dong waved his hand, "It's nothing, sister-in-law, let's go outside."

Chen Dong, anxious to bring the money to the hospital to pay for his parents' medical bills, and Wu Meiling, worried about her daughter waking up at home, hurried to leave.

The clinic's door opened from the inside.

Wu Meiling left in a rush.

Chen Dong locked the clinic door, touched the more than twenty thousand yuan in his pocket, which was all the family's savings. It definitely wasn't enough for his parents' expensive emergency treatment, but he could only take one step at a time.


Chen Dong couldn't help but sigh. Sweet Water Village wasn't a small village; it was the largest nearby with over ten thousand residents. There were both rich and poor in the village. While Chen Dong's family operated a clinic, they surprisingly had only such modest savings.

But there was a family precept to adhere to, generations of practicing medicine with the principal motto of saving lives and aiding the injured, without succumbing to greed or harmful practices. Moreover, the wealthy in Sweet Water Village were a minority; the majority were quite poor, enduring minor illnesses with over-the-counter drugs, while severe illnesses were left to fate.

Chen Dong's clinic charged little for a visit or medicines to ensure the villagers could afford treatment. For those truly unable to afford medical expenses, the clinic wouldn't charge them and would even cover the cost of medicines.

Chen Dong mounted his motorcycle and drove out of the village, navigating the rough, uneven mountain road lined with cliffs. On one side were towering mountains, and on the other, steep cliffs. Worried about his parents' health, Chen Dong sped up.


A white truck charged out from around a corner, directly colliding with Chen Dong on his motorcycle.

The narrow mountain path offered no room to evade, and with the truck moving so quickly, Chen Dong had no time to react. He and the motorcycle were knocked over the edge and fell into the steep gorge.

The white truck, having hit someone, didn't hesitate to flee and quickly disappeared into the vast mountain scenery.