Chapter 10 I've Always Wanted a Child

Wu Meiling burst into tears, her emotions collapsing.

"We must search for Wu Meiling's daughter sooner rather than later," the higher the chances of finding her, "Sister-in-law, I know you're anxious, but being anxious now is useless."

"You go home first and wait for news, I'll take Hong Dalai to find Zhang Yanhong who bought your daughter."

"Once I find your daughter, I'll come back for you immediately."

Wu Meiling nodded vigorously, "Okay, okay, I... I'll wait for you..."

Wu Meiling then grasped Chen Dong's hand tightly, her face filled with pleading, "Chen Dong, you are my only hope right now, I beg you to find my daughter. As long as you find my daughter, I'm willing to do whatever you ask."

Chen Dong smiled, "Sister-in-law, rest assured."

"I still want you to be my daughter-in-law, so we will definitely find our girl."


Chen Dong grabbed Hong Dalai in one move, lifting him up like a small chicken, "Let's go, to the county with me."

Hong Dalai dared not say a single word now, he did whatever Chen Dong told him to do. The two men got outside, into Hong Dalai's car, and went straight from Sweet Water Village to Qinghong County.

On the road to Qinghong County, Chen Dong found out from Hong Dalai that because his parents refused to sell their six acres of land to Liu Jinniu, Liu Jinniu's factory couldn't start construction. Therefore, Liu Jinniu contacted Lin Pao.

Lin Pao agreed to help Liu Jinniu take care of this matter.

They orchestrated the car accident involving Chen Dong's family, but to everyone's surprise, Chen Dong's family survived the crash unscathed.

Hong Dalai, in an attempt to ingratiate himself with Liu Jinniu, went to Wu Meiling, who owed him money, and threatened her into slandering Chen Dong for misconduct. Hong Dalai planned to catch Chen Dong in the act so that he could blackmail Chen Dong's parents into giving up their six acres for free, which he would then hand over to Liu Jinniu.

Thus, not only would he have dealt with the trouble for Liu Jinniu, but he would have also won his favor, securing a solid relationship with Liu Jinniu that promised lucrative business opportunities in the future.

But things didn't go as planned, and instead of gaining advantage, he fell into the hands of Chen Dong, whom he had not taken seriously.

The drive was swift.

Upon arriving in Qinghong County, without any leads on Zhang Yanhong, who bought Wu Meiling's daughter, Chen Dong was in the dark about her background, identity, or residence. Finding Wu Meiling's daughter in such a short time seemed incredibly challenging.

Standing to the side, Hong Dalai lowered his bruised face and sneakily glanced at Chen Dong, his eyes searching for an opportunity to escape.

Chen Dong's cold gaze fell upon Hong Dalai, "If we don't find Wu Meiling's daughter by dawn, I will take your life."

Hong Dalai turned pale with terror and shivered, "Chen... Chen Dong... I... I warn you... don't mess around..."

Chen Dong eyed Hong Dalai with an icy stare.

Hong Dalai's legs trembled as he swallowed hard. He felt Chen Dong might actually be serious, and after hesitating for a moment, he stuttered, "I... I know someone... It was her who introduced me to Zhang Yanhong... She might most likely know Zhang Yanhong's identity."

Chen Dong immediately took Hong Dalai to find the go-between who introduced Hong Dalai to Zhang Yanhong. She was a woman in her forties who initially refused to confess, but after being slapped a few times by Chen Dong, she quickly became a lot more cooperative and revealed everything about Zhang Yanhong's identity.

It turned out that Zhang Yanhong was the wife of Qinghong County's richest man, Ren Quan. The couple had been married for many years without children, so they decided they wanted a child. After being introduced by the go-between, they contacted Hong Dalai, and upon seeing Wu Meiling's daughter for the first time, Zhang Yanhong fell in love with the child.

Now that he knew Zhang Yanhong's identity, the rest of the task seemed much more manageable.

Chen Dong rushed to Zhang Yanhong's residence, an extremely luxurious villa estate, and just happened to see an elegant and refined lady around thirty years old, carefully holding Wu Meiling's daughter, coming down from the car.

Chen Dong, together with Hong Dalai, approached the elegant and refined lady.

The elegant and refined lady was Zhang Yanhong, who was clearly surprised to see Hong Dalai, "Eh, why is it you?"

Chen Dong peered into Zhang Yanhong's arms and saw that Wu Meiling's daughter was sleeping very sweetly, unharmed, which made him secretly relieved, "You must be Zhang Yanhong. I am Chen Dong from Sweet Water Village..."

Chen Dong recounted the story of how Hong Dalai kidnapped Wu Meiling and threatened her, and then said, "The child in your arms, her mother is Wu Meiling, who is anxiously waiting at home for her daughter's return."

"I hope you can give me the child."

Zhang Yanhong fell silent for a moment, glanced at Hong Dalai, who had told her the child's parents died in an accident—not realizing the mother was still alive—and realized she had been deceived by Hong Dalai. After another glance at Chen Dong, she spoke after a moment, "I can give you the child back."

"But I have two conditions."

Chen Dong inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Zhang Yanhong returned the child, everything else could be negotiated, "No problem."

Zhang Yanhong said, "I hate being lied to the most. Hong Dalai deceived me, you have to hand him over to me, he must pay the price."

Chen Dong agreed without hesitation.

Zhang Yanhong, with her long beautiful legs, approached Chen Dong, closing the space between them. He could smell her perfume and feel her warmth. Her lips came close to his ear and she whispered, "Hehe, I've always wanted a child."

"But I just can't get pregnant."

"The second condition is to make use of your body to let me become pregnant."