Chapter 106: Framing and Entrapment

Yaowen and Zhu Jiajia were also a bit bewildered, not knowing what Chen Dong was plotting.

Liu Jinhua, seeing that their threats were ineffective, became furious and reached out to grab Chen Dong's shoulder: "What right does a security guard have to oppose me?"

"I'm going to show you who really calls the shots in this hospital."


Liu Jinhua grabbed Chen Dong's arm and forcefully pulled, trying to bring Chen Dong to the ground.

The moment Liu Jinhua grabbed Chen Dong's arm,

a strong rebounding force sent Liu Jinhua flying back.

Thud thud thud!!!

Liu Jinhua staggered back several steps and fell on his bottom, nearly shattering it.

Wang Hanhan and Tian Lili quickly went over and helped Liu Jinhua up.

"Someone come quick, the security guard is hitting people."

"The hospital's security guard is hitting someone, everyone come and see."

Wang Hanhan and Tian Lili screamed at the top of their lungs.
