Chapter 23 Shut Up, Villagers


Zhang Chaotian closed his eyes, his complexion turned pale, his lips tightly shut, his breathing became unstable, and his body swayed, seemingly about to fall to the ground.

Zhang Yanhong and Ren Quan quickly supported Zhang Chaotian.

"Chen Dong, what's happened to my uncle?"

Chen Dong stared intently at Zhang Chaotian, "Your uncle's old ailment has flared up, attacking his heart and blood. The situation is very bad."


At that moment, Liu Zhenye led people rushing forward, "Quick, carry Mr. Zhang inside the house."

A few doctors in white coats, some grabbed Zhang Chaotian's arms, others lifted his legs, together they forcefully carried Zhang Chaotian inside the house.

Chen Dong followed them inside.

Liu Zhenye directed the people carrying Zhang Chaotian, carefully placing him on the bed, and immediately started to resuscitate him.

Chen Dong frowned, "That won't work, you won't be able to save him that way."