Chapter 45: Will He Appear?

Wu Meiling listened to the villagers' harsh ridicules and her parents' abusive swear words, she couldn't hold on any longer, she was really about to break down.

Chen Dong still hadn't shown up, was he lying to her when he promised yesterday?

At this moment, Wu Meiling's wish was very simple, as long as Chen Dong could appear, even if he didn't come to save her, she would be content.

"Lift your head, take a look, as long as Chen Dong can appear, to see him one last time, I would die content."

Wu Meiling, holding her child, clenched her clothes tightly, mustered up the greatest courage she'd ever had, raised her head slowly, and looked around. She saw the villagers faces full of schadenfreude, their indifference as they laughed, their cold sneers and aloof expressions, and saw Wu Xiaoqiang among the crowd, smug.

She saw Wu Deyao and Hu Chunyan, holding pesticide, using the threat of death to pressure her.

She did not see Chen Dong.

Wu Meiling's heart turned completely cold.