Chapter 161 Targeted Collectively

With a new plot up their sleeves, Wang Yaowen and Zhu Jiajia felt a surge of motivation, convinced that this plan would definitely drive Chen Dong out.

Wang Yaowen and Zhu Jiajia went out to contact their friends, preparing to create a disturbance at Chen Dong's clinic.

Chen Dong and Liu Shu were in the same office.

Aside from Liu Shu, almost no one in the hospital—neither doctors nor nurses—had a good impression of Chen Dong. No one wanted to talk to him, and the looks they gave him were filled with hostility.

Liu Shu had long since noticed the unfriendly looks others gave Chen Dong and whispered to him, "They're looking at you with very unfriendly eyes."

"Aren't you worried?"

Chen Dong remained unfazed, "Worried about what?"

"What they think of me has nothing to do with me."

"Just be true to yourself, why care about the opinions of others? If everything is concerned with how others see you, what's the point of living?"