Chapter 16: Rules are for the living, not the dead

"Lu Xiao, what did you do to Qin Kai?" Just after returning to the backyard, Qin Youling opened the door and began to question.

The screams of Qin Kai just now were too terrifying.

"Nothing much, just broke one of his arms." Lu Xiao shrugged nonchalantly.

"Are you insane!"

"The Qin Family has clan rules, within the old mansion clan members must not harm each other, violators will be expelled!"

"You... by doing this, all our previous efforts were wasted!"

Watching Qin Youling getting more and more animated, Lu Xiao suddenly glared and scolded, "Idiot!"

Qin Youling looked at Lu Xiao in disbelief. This bastard... calling me an idiot?

Which part of what I said was wrong?

The Qin Family does have such rules.

This is also why I definitely wanted to keep you in the Qin Family Old Mansion.

With this rule in place, the people of the Qin clan would not dare to act rashly and harm you recklessly.

"Did they care about the Qin Family clan rules when they poisoned your grandfather?"

"When Qin Kai ordered his bodyguards to kill me, did he think about the Qin Family clan rules?"

"Just now, Qin Kai hired assassins to kill me; where did he place your Qin Family's clan rules?"

"In such a situation, you still stubbornly rely on the so-called clan rules, isn't that stupid?"

"Rules are for the living, not the dead."

"Once you and your grandfather are dead, who the hell will use clan rules to provide justice for you two? They will only laugh outrageously, laughing that you're cluelessly naive."

Qin Youling stared blankly at Lu Xiao, and gradually, her eyes began to well up.

Why are you being so harsh!

I've never encountered such things before.

I also didn't know they would be so vicious for the power of the Qin Family.

"Alright, let's go inside." Lu Xiao waved his hand, his tone slightly softened.

His words were indeed a bit harsh just now, Qin Youling was certainly not stupid, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to hold out for so long under the siege of her uncles.

She just hasn't adapted yet.

Before, her uncles were only scheming in the dark, surreptitiously engaging in disgusting acts.

Now it's different, viciousness has come openly to the surface, and claws and fangs are all out.

"I don't want to, I want to check on grandfather." Qin Youling pouted, her face full of grievance as she walked toward Old Sir Qin's room.

When grandfather wakes up, he must give Lu Xiao a good lesson.

"Are you really just a discharged soldier?" As she passed by Lu Xiao, Qin Youling couldn't help but ask.

The methods and abilities that Lu Xiao had shown were completely unlike those of a soldier.

From the moment he entered the Qin Family's gate, this guy never suffered a loss, rather it was those from the Qin Family who frequently ended up embarrassed at his hands.

Even, he had broken Qin Kai's arm.

"Of course, I even have a discharge certificate, you..." Lu Xiao was speaking when suddenly his pupils contracted.

His arm shot out quickly, grabbing Qin Youling and yanking her fiercely.

Qin Youling barely had time to react, lost her balance and stumbled, ending up kneeling in front of Lu Xiao.

The critical thing was that Lu Xiao was sitting while she was kneeling, and her head was very close to the middle part of Lu Xiao's legs.

Qin Youling was about to start scolding when a crossbow arrow whistled past where she had just been standing and embedded itself fiercely into the wooden door behind.

"Heh, smarter than last time, using a crossbow arrow." Lu Xiao muttered.

Crossbow arrows are fast, powerful, and quieter; in some situations, they pose more of a threat than firearms.

"Lu Xiao."

"Shut up!" Lu Xiao interrupted Qin Youling, then flipped to his feet, his right hand twisted as he grabbed a chair back and flung it over his head.

The moment the chair was in front of him, crossbow arrows shot at them like raindrops.

Thud thud thud thud…

The base of the chair was instantly filled with arrows.

Luckily, the chair was of superior quality and was not completely penetrated, otherwise, the two of them might have ended up like hedgehogs.

"Look, this is the Qin Family's so-called clan rules." Lu Xiao looked at Qin Youling, whose face had turned pale, and scoffed.

Qin Youling bit her lip, her fear mingled with intense anger.

They are absolutely insane!

Family, human life, law, do they really not care at all in their eyes!

"Tsk, looks like they're planning to finish off you, me, and your grandfather all together." Lu Xiao pointed to Old Sir Qin's room.

The window glass had already been shattered, and the window frame was filled with arrows.

"Grandfather!" Qin Youling cried out in distress.

The bed was right in front of the window, doesn't that mean…

"Don't worry, he won't die, your grandfather wasn't even in the room."

"I had already sent the old man to Zhai Tianmin's place." Lu Xiao shrugged, revealing that he had only been protecting an empty room from the beginning.

Qin Youling was once again shocked by Lu Xiao's tactics and schemes.

This guy, he's definitely not just a discharged soldier.

"But you, need to pretend your grandfather is dead." Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows at Qin Youling.

Qin Youling immediately understood Lu Xiao's intention and raised her voice, "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Fourth Uncle, do you have any humanity left!"

"Inside is your own father!"

"What exactly are you doing?!"

"Is power really that important to you? So important that you would even murder your own father?"

Qin Youling's tone was excellent, angry, mourning, pained.

Lu Xiao couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Father? Heh, has he ever regarded me as his son?" A sneer sounded after a few seconds of silence.

"It's Second Uncle." Qin Youling immediately recognized the voice of Qin Shengqiang.