In each villages, food distributor would always take a turn early in the morning. However, due to an unforseen incident that led for a person to be sick, a young child decided to be the substitute of his mother.
while walking to the rear, he felt normal like nothing peculiar has happened. yet, just as he entered inside the caved, he saw two figure laying to a position of two couple who are on the mission for reproduction.
seeing such scene, he felt normal as he gave out a sigh. He was about to call them that he would just take some food and then quickly leave so that the other two won't be bothered too much from his presence. Yet, just as he was about to call them, he remembered that the place they are in is a sacred ground only available to the village chief, his family, and some authorize person. So he quickly hide and tried to distinguish who are the presumptuous guys who walk inside just to do some lewdness.
"You are dead once I caught who you are,"
Sadly, he couldn't identify the two guys on the caved. first, it was because the inside light was quite dim. Second, he was born with a poor eyesight so he barely do some works, and if he push the light button, he they would surely run faster than him. At worst, he might also meet his demise. Given these circumstance he had faced, he decided to leave and let the village chief dictate the outcome for those two.
"My lord, the child of the food distributor has come to tell a message," said by the guard.
"Meila's son? I heard his mother got sick. Did he come to ask for some potion...Anyway, let him in."
The boy kneeled in front of the chief like what servant do.
"What have you come here for?" The chief ask.
"My lord, as my mother is recuperating, I take the liberty to be her substitute. However, while I'm on the process of securing the food to deliver, I saw two unidentified people, breaching inside the caved like it was their home. So, I rush over here to inform you what to do about them."
"Are they out of their mind...?"
The chief quickly demand his guard to gather his people. Their march tuned like warior going to a battle and their humming, sounds like an angry beast, ready to ramble.
They reach the desired location, and the son of Meila—Belito, take the lead inside.
Seeing the mischievous act of Belito's way of entering, the chief confirmed that some people can really dare defy him on his land.
He waited.
But facts are starting to sink within. 'If two people are inside, then some noise could atleast be heard. Yet, its too calm. Its too calm for a theft work.'
Within the veil of dimmed light, the caved began to be lightened through a torch made from beast orb with a touch of mechanism.
"What the..."
At the center of the food, lay rest a man with his back on the ground.
"The f*ck is that guy doing?"
The chief retain in anger, seeing his third son, laying naked with a stricking manhood showing to his people.
The crowed whispered their opinion— Wow! How could he do that? How bold can he be? He doesn't have shame! He ain't suited for the title of chief's third son.
Hearing his people's opinion, the rage of the chief flooded, as he kick his son with an anger.
"Don't just stay still, you id*ot! How could you make me feel so embarrassed, having a son like you! Damn!"
Though, no matter how much he kicked him, a body that has gone a bit cold will never budge back to life.
"Huff, huff, huff!"
Seeing that his son didn't even moved a single bit from his beating, the chief step aside with a hand that is started to tremble.
Now, that he had seen it. His son, has an angry expression, as if he was on a fight with someone. And though, his body still produce a fully react manhood, it was an after effect from the lushness it may have done before totally cutting his life.
The voice of the young Belito began to sink on his mind. 'I saw two unidentified people, breaching inside the caved like it was their home. So, I rush over here to inform you what to do about them.'
Thinking back, there should be two people inside the caved like what was reported, but what they found was only a single man.
A man of his blood.
'Are you saying my son was just killed on my own land? Don't kid me!'
The people around has began to be worry. They could see that the complexion of their chief has take a great turn.
'He was good just now, what change him?'
That question swirls around their head, and their sight landed only to one perpetrator. The one laying naked on the floor.
As the people were quite far, they needed to walk near the man on their head. Slowly and neatly. Soon, after seeing the jet black purple vine that was started to came out of the third son's body, they began to fully understand what happened for their chief to change a look on his faced.
Soon, they comforted their chief.
Then out of the many, one man, wore painful look more any, he turned his gaze and shake his head as he look out of the way out from the caved. Reaching the caved door and seeing the sky, he mumbled words for himself.
"If only you have not become such a man, then I wouldn't have resulted for such a crime."
The thing was, the man who felt more guilty than anyone is the master Lei they spoke. The master Lei who ask his men to kill Lu Chen, the master Lei who have a feelings for Lu Chen. He is the one.
Because of the norn from the past that led Lu Chen to be engaged by someone, Master Lei hide the fact of his feelings. Whenever he saw Lu Chen with a woman, his heart will curl and twitch, making it painful for. Then one day, as he was about to give up, an unknown stranger walk inside his room.
"I Saw your suffering, I saw your redemption. You know that the man you fancy will never like you back, but is that enought for you to give up?"
Though, master Lei was confused, he doesn't have the strength to fight the unknown man in front of him.
So he just ask, "Then are you saying, I should forcefully make him?"
"No, of course not. I'm saying you don't have to make him yours. You just need to destroy him, so no one will take him. Won't that be a success for a failure love?"
Master Lei, who haven't thought of such cruel act began to think deep. The words of the stranger aren't normally good, but in his case, that is the best way for him to secure the person he loved. So decided,
"Then, wait for the good news of this love hate play."
With that, master Lei gave a beautiful smile to the sky. Saying thanks to the stranger, and to himself after ending his own life at the cliff of Rocky Village.