Null and void

Lucious's POV

I stood there and I watched her disappear. Just took off without looking back for once.

I blinked.

A weight settled in the pit of my stomach, heavy as a stone, pulling me down into the depths of my own mind. Memories once warm and golden now taunted me. It was bittersweet reminders of choices I made and the heart I broke. lined with the ghosts of chances not taken, of words left unspoken

I smiled

It was more of an unbelievable scuff.

Who would have thought that Kaitlyn Summer Reid would one day run from me….not to me?

Who would have thought that I would be the monster in her alley not the knight she always sees me to be?

It stung a little bit to be honest.

"Do you want me to go after her, Alpha Reign?"

The voice came from behind me. I knew he was approaching even before I heard his footsteps, Tejiri Westmore - my most loyal ally.

His destructive quality and 'shoot first ask questions later' personality made him the perfect confident while sometimes I want to shoot him and ask questions later for the same reason, it's more of a love-hate thing between us but Tej was good people...his loyalty was unwavering.

"I am not your Alpha anymore, Tejiri. You know this"

I could feel him roll his eyes at me "Of course, Sir. Do you want me to go after her or…?"

"No" I said and started walking away.


"No, Tej" I answered.

"Did she sign the papers?" He asked me.

I pulled out the envelope from the jacket I was wearing and stared at it for a few seconds, taking my time to take in the edges and the surface of the brown envelope.

It was such a little thing for the kind of power it welded.

"Did I ever tell you about the first time I met Katy?" I asked him, my voice was somber and dim like the very light in me had been caged by unknown forces.

"No, Boss. You never talk about Mrs Reign" Tejiri answered but his eyes remained on the envelope I was holding.

"I never do, do I?"

"No, sir"

Tejiri did something that was a first for both of us, he pried into my personal affairs. "What happened between you and Mrs Reign?"

I wondered briefly where I should start. It might take a million years to narrate every single thing that went wrong in our lives but all said and done, it boiled down to a single word...a single name.

"Caley…she happened" I held Tej's gaze "I loved the wrong sister and for my trouble, my world crashed"

I chuckled lightly and tore the envelope into two and threw them on the dirty floor.

"Ooh, that's not good. The Alpha will be pissed"

"I know"

I murmured and started walking away.

I turned around towards the direction I came from one more time and I felt something.

An emotion ... .a feeling of intense sadness,.a sense of loss…it was a wave and it washed over me.

But Instead of thinking about my wife and mate who literally ran from me, all I thought about was Caley.

Caley Snow Reid.

I was maybe ten years old when I realized I was in love with her.

It wasn't difficult to come to that realization.

She was Caley and she had the biggest heart one could ever have and the most beautiful smile.

She took my breath away just like that. Her kind of beauty wasn't hard to miss. She was everything good about the world.

Her face was a work of art, with a perfect jawline that could cut through glass and high cheekbones that cast a beautiful shadow upon her face.

If you met Caley, you will realize very quickly how difficult it was to take a step away from her.

Her eyes are a deep and mysterious hazel, with flecks of gold in the middle.

My beautiful girl!

With hair like an endless sea of waves and when the light catches them just right, they create a halo around her head.

I can't remember how many times I lost myself for hours in the depths of her hair, feeling it slip through my fingers like silk.

It was my favorite pastime activity growing up.

Just watching her perfectly shaped face and her perfectly shaped personality...and her perfectly shaped smile.

I grew up in the hard knocked life and Caley was sanctuary to me - the perfect escape from my harsh life at home.

Her height was perfect! not overly tall, almost delicate, but just enough to command the attention of anyone in her presence.

Everything about Caley was a marvel.

I was in love with my best friend for so long that I didn't know who I was if I wasn't the boy that loved her, the boy who would do anything for her.

It was unrequited…which was kinda hard but I made my peace with it for the longest time because as raw as my love for her burned, I needed something more…I needed a sanctuary.

I needed a family more than I needed a girlfriend.

I needed her family to be my family.

I needed Elias and Anna, her parents.

I needed a hot plate of food that always most definitely comes with a kiss on the forehead when I'm being adorable or a gentle motherly scolding when I'm being naughty.

I needed the warm laughter of the man I saw as my father, his terrible dad jokes and his sense of over ending wisdom.

I needed to know that if I'm ever in dire need or in danger, there was someone willing to fight to the death for me and his name wasn't Jax Reign, it was Elias Reid.

Alpha Jax Reign,My biological father could see me on fire and pour diesel on me, I needed Caley's people to be my people because having people was better than not having people.

I needed brothers who broke my toys and had no respect for personal space…who I played rough house with and would do almost anything for, two devilish twins who smiled without any issues - Riley Reid and Jacob Reid.

I needed a little sister who saw me as a hero, the big brother who she ran to when her knee was skinned - Katy.

And so, I was alright loving Caley from a distance because I got to keep the people I loved, people who loved me back.

Being the honorary member of the Reid family was everything I had ever wanted simply because without them, I am just Lucious Reign, Jax's son - unloved and motherless.

It was enough. Goddamn it! It was enough until it wasn't.

I loved Caley…I chose Caley and in return she made everything human about me disappear…And Kaitlyn paid for her sin.

I took out my anger and my disappointment on the wrong sister and now, she's Olivia Strong.


Tej's voice brought me out of my head.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am"

I walked down the superstore alley to the gas station

As expected, my car was parked by the roadside and by my car were two men.

They were Alpha bloods and two of the best spies in Winter hill and they were here on the Alpha's order.

Main goal being to make sure the document I tore up got signed.

"Did she sign the document?" Ryan asked.

"No" I said.

"Why?" Andy asked.

"Because I fucking didn't want her to"

"The Alpha won't be happy about-" he barely had time to finish his statement when Tejiri wrapped his hand around his neck and squeezed just a little bit.

"Mr. Reign, stop him!" Ryan looked alarmed and he looked to me for help.

When did I become the sane one?

I turned around and looked at Ryan, it was an armor piercing gaze. it quieted him out before I returned my gaze to Andy.

I pointed at him.

"On the list of people allowed to question me, you are on the bottom of that list, Andrea. I want to hear you admit that" I told him.

"I'm bottom f-feeder...sir ... .I was just a-acting on Alpha's O-order, Lucious!" He was turning white.

"Tejiri, let him go"

"Do I have to?" Tej asked me. "His neck seems so easy to snap, Boss"


He let him go.

I turned to look at Ryan.

"Would you tell the Alpha that I have changed my mind?"

"You can't! It was an order!" Ryan was turning blue like how dare I do whatever the hell I wanted!

Such disrespect wasn't going to go unanswered and I was right.

"Tej, don't…" I barely finished talking when…well Tej happened.

He grabbed Andy by the neck again and I sank his teeth in his neck, releasing werewolf venom.

"Tejiri!" Ryan took a step forward to stop him, like he could have. He grabbed the limp body of his buddy before he could hit the ground.

"What have you done?! He could die!"

"Then let him!" Tej said.

"Alpha won't let this slide!"

"Oooh, I'm shook" Tej said in a mocking voice.

I stared at the limp body in the busy gas station of Cate city and I exhaled.

"Tejiri, you loose cannon! You can't bite someone in the middle of Cate city in broad daylight, at the very least…drag him to the corner and then do it there!"

"My bad, sir"

I exhaled, I was suddenly exhausted but I had more important things to say to the Alpha.

So, I came closer to Ryan.

"Tell the Alpha that our agreement is null and void. I have no intention of divorcing my wife"