Little baby

"I can explain, Katie. It's not what you think!" He said for the third time.

I stared at my husband...for someone who wanted nothing but to explain, he was awfully speechless.

"Go on, explain" I whispered. When the room fell deadly quiet, I screamed "Fucking explain, Lucious! Explain how your perky little dick accidentally slipped and fell into my sister, you motherfucking A-hole. Go on, explain"

I felt…nothing.

I thought I was going to jump into a fit of rage and haul that raggedy looking figurine that he loves polishing like his life depended on it, the same figurine that was on our nightstand at his head for simply being a disgusting and utterly terrible human being but I didn't.

I was calm.

Is that normal or am I fucking losing it?

"You didn't just cum in my big sister on my fucking bed! While our fucking wedding portrait hung literally above your head?!!"


It was Calsey's voice.

I turned and looked at her.

Who said she could talk?

If I can cradle my dead daughter and have this conversation with my rotten husband, the least my slut of a sister could do was to shut the fuck up!

"Shut up" I said to her and shook my head "You don't get to talk. I haven't gotten to you yet"

"Katie, you are bleeding. You are hurt. What happened?"

She jumped up with my bed sheets wrapped around her backstabbing body and she dared to move closer to me like there was any chance in hell that I would ever let her touch me.

So, I threw the glass figurine at her. It barely missed her head as it shattered at her feet.

"Stay the fuck away. And spare me the sisterly concern"


"Shut up or I am going to throw that fugly paperweight at you next"

I waited to see the shock on Lucious' face.

like how dare I break his dead mother's figurine…but I was denied the pleasure.

"Oh look honey, I broke your dead mother's figurine" I said in an amused voice as I threw his discarded short that was by the nightstand at him to cover up his horny self!

There was a baby present.

There was no need to torture her with the ungodly sight.

"We don't care about the fucking thing, Katie. Just let me tend to that injury before it gets worse" Calsey said but my dear husband stared at the shattered pieces before narrowing his eyes in anger.

"Let's get a divorce" he said in his coldly nasal voice.

"It's tiring being married to you, Katie. You are tiresome. I'm better suited with Calsey, anyway"

"Lucious!" It was Calsey.

Her voice quieted him down.

"What?" He quipped "should I pretend that anytime I have to sleep with her, I don't take a thorough shower afterwards? That the thought of spending my life with her is horrifying at best!"

"There is no need to be cruel" Calsey murmured.

I chuckled like a lunatic.

This is how people go mad…I guess. One day, they get into a nasty accident and they come home with a cold baby to find their husband, dick deep in their bloody older sister's lady bit, asking for a divorce.

It wasn't the first time he'd asked me for one...but it was tge first time he asked while I cradled our daughter.

"You weren't supposed to see us. You were supposed to be gone all day for your doctor's appointment. Why couldn't you just stay gone like planned?! All these could have been avoided" Calsey said in this teary voice.

"You mean the doctor's appointment he made me drive myself to? Yeah, I won't be needing anymore of those"

It might have been the way I said it or the way I brought the blanket closer to my face. I'm not sure but I saw fear for the very first time in Lucious's eyes.

"What are you holding, Katie?"

Lucious asked me and gestured to the bloodied blanket I was holding.

I could see that he suspected the unthinkable.

I saw it in the way his eyes narrowed in a little prayer.

Yeah, I prayed that prayer too.

Your goddess is deaf, Lucious!

"Katie! What are you holding?!"

"There was an accident" I whispered. "A van lost his way and I was knocked into the freezing river…"


I could hear the apprehension in his voice, it was almost like his heart was about to break.

"She fell out of me. She's dead. Come meet your cold daughter, Lucious. Come kiss her goodnight"

I saw him loose feelings in his leg and he had to hold on to a table for support.

"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't…"

"I did" I laughed like a lunatic.

"I called you. I screamed 'lucious!' Come save us…come save little baby. You were busy. You were inside my sister. No wonder you didn't hear me. Now, hold her"

"No" he whispered and shook his head.

"Fuck you!" I said in between my gritted teeth. "Hold. Our. Daughter!"

He didn't come to us.

So I went to him and I handed the little baby over to him.

"There…there" I exhaled through my mouth "Don't forget to kiss her. A baby deserves to be kissed by her father…and when you are done, let's grant you your one wish, Luce. Let's get a divorce. Where is it? Where is that divorce paper you love threatening me with? Oh here?" I opened the drawer by his side of the bed and pulled out the paper and the pen.

I scribbled down my name on it and signed it and placed it on the bed.

When I turned around, Calsey was standing there and she was sobbing.

Lucious I expected...his betrayal was long in the making but Calsey?

My own best friend!

Calsey's betrayal took a chunk out of my heart.

I reached out and I gripped her tightly with both hands…too tightly.

"I reject you!" I screamed at her. "I…Kaitlyn Reid hereby reject you, Calsey Reid as my sister. I hereby sever all and any bond between us…"

"Katie…no, please"

I bite down on my lips hard to stop the tears, it didn't work.

"You are going to die a miserable death…both of you"

I turned around and watched Lucious as he performed CPR on our little baby. Watching him frantically trying to breathe life into her gave me a little relief - A little girl deserves to be loved by her father

Good. That's good.

I moved closer.

"Give me my baby, so I can go" I told him hands outstretched.

"No" anger line stretched from his forehead down to the nape of his neck, his eyes were teary like he was this close to exploding.

"I said give me my baby!"

"No, my daughter stays. But you are free to go, ex wife!"

"No! No! No!" I screamed. "Ain't leaving without her!"

"Leave before I drag you out, kicking and screaming, Katie!"

I knew him. His mind was made up. He was Alpha. I was nothing. I didn't even have a wolf yet.

I started sobbing hard. "Please...please, please"

"You are banished, ex-wife. Coming back means death"