Chapter 85: Let the Professionals Handle Their Business!

Lady Marian and Lamit were locked in the dungeon—within Oak Manor, there were not only dungeons but also accompanying torture chambers and rooms for torture equipment.

Even in the previous years, there had been a dedicated Interrogator.

However, with his death, that position had become vacant.

Therefore, when Gilt was hung in the interrogation room, only Malz was left to guard him, while the old butler stood outside.

Arthur, however, after surveying the dungeon, walked over to Malz.

"Will there be trouble?"

The Sheriff of Shire District asked in a lowered voice.

Having cooperated with Arthur several times, Malz was naturally familiar with Arthur's style—this method of segregating the imprisonment, careful examination, and choosing a professional room, all informed the Sheriff of Shire District that the matter was not yet concluded.

Not to mention, Andy had just been sent back quietly to call for reinforcements.

"There will be!"