Chapter 243: Double Act!


Particles of ice crystals, like dust, fluttered down, chilling and prickling the face of Sinclair, the advisor to the Duke of the Inner Bay, when they landed.

How could it be snowing in South Los at this time?

Throughout all seasons, snow in South Los is only possible in the bitter winter, and now it was just the beginning of autumn, making natural snowfall utterly impossible.

Putting aside natural causes, that only leaves human intervention!

'Arcana' level!

The answer that burst forth from deep within caused the pupil of the Inner Bay Grand Duke's advisor to contract rapidly.

Instinctively, he turned to flee.

At the same time, his mind was riddled with confusion.


Why was there an 'Arcana' level powerful being by the 'Spirit Medium' without his knowledge?

Or to be precise, why didn't he know when a new 'Arcana' level power appeared in South Los?

Just yesterday, he had asked a 'Scout' to provide important information about South Los.