Chapter 277 'Extraordinary Talent'!

The Yumir Manor was abruptly rocked by explosions and burst into flames in the dead of night, attracting the peepers, which didn't surprise Arthur in the slightest.

Even because of the plans that followed, he was quite welcoming of these Peeping Toms.

Whether they were from the nobility or from some secret societies.

All these Peeping Toms would be the 'loyal audience' or 'cameo extras' a few days later.

However, when Death Intuition flickered slightly, Arthur would not ignore it—


The deep blue flames surged with the wind.

The dark and indistinct flames immediately dispelled the darkness within the shadows.

A figure let out a miserable howl.

At the same time, a deathly white began to emerge from the person's hands.

'Death Poetry Society'?

Surprise flashed in Arthur's eyes.

Not surprised that they appeared here, because their appearance here must be linked with that so-called 'Death Poetry Society. Thirty Choir' Morielk.