Chapter 275: The Stage Built by the Spirit Medium and the Businesswoman!


Tell me about "Serpent of Pride" Adam?

I am still "Serpent of Pride" Adam!

Looking at Marinda engulfing clouds of smoke, Arthur couldn't help but feel bemused at the bottom of his heart; he had no idea what this woman had imagined from his brief words that led to her complete change in attitude.

But as for the so-called "Serpent of Pride" Adam, he truly didn't know.

The naked Adam and a serpent, he did know of.

However, these weren't important.

The important thing was the current situation was very unfavorable for him.

Marinda possessed information of which he was completely unaware, had already taken the initiative completely, and continuing the conversation would only allow her to find more flaws.


"What if I say in this plan I need no cooperation, no support, just myself at 'Yumir Manor'?"

Arthur's words caused Marinda to be taken aback.

"Have you gone mad?

Do you know what you're talking about?

Do you really think you're an 'Entrant'?