The haughty Kalal, without saying a word, perfectly embodied all the negative impressions people had of nobles.

If he had spoken, it would surely have sent shivers down the spines of the commoners, who feared they might carelessly be turned into "Human Tea" by the noble before them.

Although everyone had only heard rumors of "Human Tea," the current "Tea Duel" caused everyone to involuntarily think of it.

And then, their gazes became even more tense as they watched the scene unfold—

"Battling twice in a row is just too troublesome!

You just duel with Jimte!

If he loses, it's the same as if I've lost.

If he wins, it's the same as if I've won."

Kalal arrogantly uttered words that baffled everyone.

Many had already guessed that the two nobles must be on good terms; otherwise, why would one let the other stand in for their victory or defeat?

Yet others turned their worried eyes upon Jimte.