The caravan from South Los had long departed, leaving behind only the leveled patch of wilderness by the road and a large expanse of fresh blood, which seemed to recount the recent event of a "Spirit Medium" cleaving a hundred people in half with a single sword strike.

A figure stealthily emerged from the brush at the side of the road.

Even behind a mask, just by seeing the eyes one could understand the shock they expressed.

As a 'Mystic Side Person' watching over the legacy of 'Hilt Tower,' he had been following these scouts all along — planning in his heart to reap the rewards of their efforts.

This 'Mystic Side Person' could see that these scouts were definitely not simple or honest.

And indeed, they were not.


Arthur suddenly appeared on the scene.

Though he had been quite distant initially, the 'Mystic Side Person' clearly saw the terrifying power of that single sword strike, and standing on the leveled field itself gave him a personal realization.