Chapter 407: Different, Yet the Same!

Marinda was dumbstruck.

It was not a pretense, nor was it a performance.

She was genuinely stuck in place, dumbfounded.

The lady foolishly stared at Arthur, her heart churning ceaselessly with emotions that could not be expressed in words, filling her heart.

Arthur had previously mentioned using coal and iron mines in his plans for South Town.

Although that twenty percent of coal and iron mine business eventually turned into a trade involving "Cat Faction, Cat Cave Mystic Arts, Ritual, Props," and furthermore, since her own collection couldn't match up, she also owed Arthur a debt, the kind that included interest.

And this was still under the basis that the two were cooperating in managing that twenty percent of the mines.

But now!

Arthur had truly given her the entire South Town!

Saying is one thing, doing is another.

Saying and doing are complete opposites.

The former is elusive and boundless, which only disgusted Marinda.

But the latter?